
unusual facts about inertia


Various efforts by notable physicists such as Ernst Mach (see Mach's principle), Albert Einstein, Dennis William Sciama, and Bernard Haisch have been put towards the study and theorizing of Inertia.

Absolute time and space

—Ernst Mach; as quoted by Ciufolini and Wheeler: Gravitation and Inertia, p. 387

Bowling ball

Materials and fabrication changes have since allowed the assembly of balls whose interior components have a much greater range of density, thereby offering a new ball choice that, in physics terms, involves the moment of inertia of a solid sphere.

Cooper Mark IV

--don't bother to fact tag this, it's simple physics: the polar moment of inertia means the Ferrari tends to change direction more reluctantly than the T12, because the Cooper's mass is nearer its Cg.--> It made its debut in at Goodwood on Easter Monday,


In physics exertion is use of energy against, or for, inertia as described by Isaac Newton's third law of motion.


The concept was introduced by Leonhard Euler in his 1765 book Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum; he discussed the moment of inertia and many related concepts, such as the principal axis of inertia.

Sugar Army

Sugar Army released its debut EP, Where Do You Hide Your Toys, through Perth label Good Cop Bad Cop (with distribution through Inertia) in February 2008, supporting Interpol in Australia that month.

The Great Warming

The Great Warming is a 2006 documentary film directed by Michael Taylor. The film was hosted by Alanis Morissette and Keanu Reeves and even before its November 3, 2006 première helped establish an alliance between Democrats and Evangelicals trying to shake the administration out of its inertia on Climate change mitigation.

Unified Framework

# The inertia effect (kinetic energy), which, unlike the stiffness effect (strain energy), of the damage has been neglected by researchers, is included in it.

Valerie Perez

Leaving behind a fake Dear John letter for Bart Allen, that as expected prevented him from questioning Valerie's disappearance and search for her whereabouts, he took Valerie into an unknown location, hoping to use her DNA to restore his appearance, and use Valerie as a bait to take his vengeance on Bart, with Inertia's aid.

see also