
unusual facts about intertidal zone

Abarenicola pacifica

pacifica is found in the intertidal and subtidal zones round the coasts of North America between Alaska and northern California and in Japanese waters.

Drupella cornus

Drupella cornus commonly occurs on or under tabular corals of the genera Acropora and Montipora or on hard substrates in the lower intertidal zone and shallow sublittoral zone.

Ischnochiton lineolatus

Ischnochiton lineolatus, commonly known as the Lined Ischnochiton is a species of chiton in the Ischnochiton genus that lives under rocks in the intertidal waters of southern and south-western Australia, from Bass Strait to the central west coast.

Leptasterias hexactis

Leptasterias hexactis occurs in the intertidal zone of the north east Pacific Ocean with a range extending from the San Juan Islands in Washington to the Channel Islands of California.

see also

Alaksen National Wildlife Area

In addition to the cultivated crops, the site is vegetated by various grasses in the farmland; cattails, Lyngbye's sedge, and bulrushes in the intertidal zone; and Red alder, willows and Black cottonwood, along with snowberry, salmonberry, and blackberries in the wooded areas.

Ghost shrimp

Thalassinidea, crustaceans which live in deep burrows in the intertidal zone.

Yelland Stone Rows

The stone row constitutes one of the most important megaliths in the British Isles due to its location in the intertidal zone of the River Taw and cannot be matched anywhere else in the British Isles with the possible exception of two stones located in the intertidal zone at Er Lannic, Brittany, although these cannot be reliably identified as belonging to a stone row.