
unusual facts about intimidation

Afghan parliamentary election, 2010

Warlords, the Taliban and rival candidates were blamed for the intimidation and already at least eight people had been assassinated in relation to the upcoming elections, including three candidates.

Catholic Defence Association

As Secretary he engaged in a correspondence on Church of Ireland proselytizing which was published as Proselytism in Ireland: the Catholic Defence Association versus the Irish Church Missions on the charge of bribery and intimidation; a correspondence between the Rev. Alex Dallas and the Rev. Henry Wilberforce (1852).

Diane Fingleton

Diane Fingleton is a former Queensland Magistrates Court judge, most notable for being appointed Chief Magistrate and later being convicted of the offence of intimidation of a witness, before the conviction was quashed on appeal to the High Court of Australia.


Diplock courts, juryless courts established in Northern Ireland in an attempt to overcome jury intimidation.


Laird Wilcox identifies 21 alleged traits of a "political extremist", ranging from behaviour like "a tendency to character assassination", over hateful behaviour like "name calling and labelling", to general character traits like "a tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil", "a tendency to substitute intimidation for argument" or "groupthink".

Francesco Mazzaferro

There he started a transport company servicing construction sites and through the use of force and intimidation obtained several contracts related to the construction of the Fréjus Road Tunnel.

John Duncan Young

He presented credentials as a Member-elect to the Fortieth Congress in 1867, but was not permitted to qualify as his campaign used fraud and voter intimidation to get him elected.

Landau Commission

In 1984 International Commission of Jurists published a report by Law in the Service of Man called "Torture and Intimidation in the West Bank - The case of al-Fara'a Prison."

Malawian general election, 2009

Speaking to Capital Radio on 22 February 2009, Muluzi accused the government of using intimidation against his candidacy and warned that such conduct could lead to "problems".

Me Nathuram Godse Boltoy

An Indian Express news story quotes director Vinay Apte regarding the intimidation that artists connected with the play faced, such as the incident when the bus used by the artists while touring was set on fire by Indian National Congress activists in Mulund a suburb of Mumbai.

Sidney A. Fitzwater

Fitzwater's nomination sparked controversy in part because of allegations raised at his confirmation hearing about alleged voter intimidation in African-American neighborhoods in south Dallas, Texas during the unsuccessful 1982 re-election campaign of Texas Gov. Bill Clements.

Starting pistol

In the United Kingdom blank-firing pistols must be brightly coloured to comply with the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, so that they do not look like real weapons and cannot be used for intimidation.

There Is No Cabal

People exerted power through force of will (often via intimidating flames), garnering authority and respect by contributing to the community (by being a maintainer of a FAQ, for example), or through sheer persistence, spending more time and writing more posts than anyone else (see Kibo, etc.).

Union League

Historian Walter Lynwood Fleming asserts that the Union/Loyal League was successful in driving a wedge between blacks and Southern whites where little animus had existed, and used methods of political and violent intimidation—similar to those later used by the first Ku Klux Klan—to destroy the influence of Southern whites in politics and with blacks.

Wheeler Peckham Bloodgood

The main purpose was to sell Liberty bonds and organize lectures about the war, but the league may have been involved in intimidation of people opposed to the war.

William Keogh

Further damage was done to his reputation by the Galway election petition case of 1872, where William Le Poer Trench, the unsuccessful candidate, petitioned to unseat the winner, John Philip Nolan, on the grounds of intimidation and undue pressure from the Catholic clergy.

see also