
unusual facts about labelling

Betsey Trotwood

Betsey Trotwood plays a bigger role in David Copperfield's later life by taking him in after he has run away from labelling wine bottles in the factory in Blackheath where his stepfather, Edward Murdstone, had placed him to work after the death of David's mother.

Carbon Trust

The standards behind carbon labelling are now formally recognised through the PAS 2050 developed by the Carbon Trust in conjunction with BSI and Defra.


Briefly, the approach consists of (1) labelling each neuron with a unique DNA barcode; (2) transferring barcodes between synaptically coupled neurons (for example using PRV); and (3) fusion of barcodes to represent a synaptic pair.


The main directive in the European Union affecting the manufacture, labelling and supply of cosmetics and personal care products is Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC.


Laird Wilcox identifies 21 alleged traits of a "political extremist", ranging from behaviour like "a tendency to character assassination", over hateful behaviour like "name calling and labelling", to general character traits like "a tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil", "a tendency to substitute intimidation for argument" or "groupthink".

Fairtrade certification

At the initiative of Mexican coffee farmers, the first fair trade labelling initiative, Stichting Max Havelaar, was launched in the Netherlands on November 15, 1988 by Nico Roozen, Frans van der Hoff and Dutch ecumenical development agency Solidaridad.

İnci Sözlük

The community is also widely blamed for the hoax regarding Atilla Taş, a Turkish pop singer who they started labelling as Greek after the release of his most recent hit "Yam Yam Style", which was widely criticised in Turkey.

Isolation distance for genetically modified plants

If large amounts of GM pollen fertilise crops in a non-GM field, that harvest may no longer be declared "GM-free", and will require appropriate labelling if its GM content exceeds a certain limit (e.g. 0.9 percent in the European Union).

Mortal Kombat 4

In retrospective, GamesRadar criticized the endings for the Nintendo 64 version of the game using a compilation from them for an April Fool joke, labelling them as hilarious due to their poor quality.


The oilfish-labelling controversy was reported by a number of news and media organizations, such as TVB Newsmagazine.


Michael Billig and Jean Bethke Elshtain have both argued that the difference between patriotism and faith is difficult to discern and relies largely on the attitude of the one doing the labelling.

Traceability of genetically modified organisms

The unique identifier has been integrated in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and in the European Union legislation on the labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms (Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003).

United States v. Ninety-Five Barrels Alleged Apple Cider Vinegar

These three issues—an imitation under the same name, false or misleading ingredient listing, and misleading labelling—were all a part of the Pure Food and Drug Act section defining "misbranded".

see also