Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Ion Television | Ion Iliescu | Ion | Greater Underwater Propulsion Power Program | propulsion | Nuclear marine propulsion | Ion Creangă | Ion Birch | Electrically powered spacecraft propulsion | Spacecraft propulsion | Marine propulsion | Lithium-ion battery | Ion Voicu | Ion Nunweiller | Ion (mythology) | Ion Antonescu | nuclear marine propulsion | ION Television | Ion Panţuru | Ion Mihalache | Ion Idriess | Ion exchange | Ion Baciu | Voltage-gated ion channel | spacecraft propulsion | Saturn Ion | Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | Propulsion | Project Orion (nuclear propulsion) |
MagBeam is the name given to an ion propulsion system for space travel initially proposed by Professor Robert Winglee of the Earth and Space Sciences Department at the University of Washington for the October 2004 meeting of the NIAC.
Hughes Aircraft Company (now L-3 ETI) has developed the XIPS (Xenon Ion Propulsion System) for performing station keeping on its geosynchronous satellites (more than 100 engines flying).