
23 unusual facts about iron age

Alife, Campania

The name of Alife has Samnite origin, although a settlement in the hills around the city existed probably since the Iron Age.

Bagn Bygdesamling

The permanent display consists of artifacts from both the Stone Age and Iron Age, textiles and clothing, furniture and kitchen items and artifacts from the Occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany.

Barry Raftery

Barry Raftery (16 August 1944 – 22 August 2010) was an Irish archaeologist and Celtic scholar known for his work on the Iron Age in Ireland.

Chenopodium album

Archaeologists analysing carbonized plant remains found in storage pits and ovens at Iron Age, Viking Age, and Roman sites in Europe have found its seeds mixed with conventional grains and even inside the stomachs of Danish bog bodies.

Exile of Ovid

Thus, the poet who had written in verses the radical change experienced by Men in the strange sensation that often accompanies humanity — the eminence of losing everything — between the wonderful Golden Age and the unfortunate Iron Age, left for exile.


The habitable area increased significantly during the Iron Age, and what had once been the sea floor turned into fertile soil.

Great Bernera

Bernera is also known for its Iron Age (or possibly Pictish) settlement at Bostadh, discovered in 1992 and now covered by sand to preserve it.


They date to the late Iron Age, from the end of the Migration Age to the early Viking Age, particularly what is referred to in Norway as the Merovingian era, in Sweden as the Vendel era, from 550 to about 800, but can be hard to date because they are often found in contexts that do not establish date.

Iberian schematic art

Iberian schematic art is the name given to a series of prehistoric representations (almost always cave paintings) that appear in the Iberian peninsula, which are associated with the first metallurgical cultures (the Copper Age, the Bronze Age and even the start of the Iron Age).

Illyrian weaponry

Shields were used among the Illyrians from the end of the Bronze Age, but very little is known about the early shields until the Iron Age.

Iron Age pig

The Iron Age pig is a hybrid between a wild boar and a domestic pig meant to recreate the type of pig represented by prehistoric art works of the Iron Age in ancient Europe.

Jersey's population

There was subsequently some small scale immigration, and in the Iron Age the emergence of the Celtic peoples.

Lardon Chase, the Holies and Lough Down

The area has a long history of ancient settlements and there are several Neolithic and Iron Age forts.


Traces from the Iron Age indicate this town existed in the 8th century BC.

Masbury railway station

The front of the house, which is still standing and in private hands, features a fanciful carving of Maesbury Castle as a medieval castle: in fact, Maesbury is an Iron Age fort nearby.

Mesudiye, Ordu

Mesudiye has been inhabited since the Iron Age era and has numerous remains from the time of the Hittites and there are a number of rock tombs from early antiquity in the area.

Nicholas Mahudel

He proposed the chronological prehistoric sequence stone age - Bronze Age - Iron Age.


Oppdal is an alpine community which dates back to the Norwegian Iron Age.


On the boundary between Nedre Vådal and Røflo remains have been found from a very old habitation, probably from the Iron Age.

Scottish Dunface

The sheep kept throughout the British Isles up to the Iron Age were small, variable in colour and short-tailed.

Täby kyrkby

These structures were built by farmers who cultivated the land in the Iron Age, almost 2000 years ago.

Tangendorf disc brooch

Due to the improper recovery without accurate documentation of the find, accurate statements can not be given about the archaeological context the disc brooch to the Iron Age burial and the Bronze Age secondary burial.

Usage of personal protective equipment

Initially constructed from leather and brass, and then bronze and iron during the Bronze and Iron Ages, they soon came to be made entirely from forged steel in many societies after about 950AD.

1938 in archaeology

The Iron Age farmstead site at Little Woodbury, Wiltshire, England, by Gerhard Bersu for the Prehistoric Society using open area excavation techniques (continues to 1939; published 1940).

Battle of Guoloph

In the parish of Nether Wallop, northeast of the town of the same name, there is a fortress on the hill of Danebury dated to the Iron Age where a multitude of excavations have taken place between 1968 to 1988.


Traces of prehistoric settlements in the area include a Neolithic era ax, tombs from the Iron Age, a stele with northern Etruscan inscriptions and a domed grave.

Boxford, Berkshire

A hearth and pottery fragments from the Iron Age, including a La Tène pot, have been found near the north end of Boxford Common.

Caerau Hillfort

Caerau Hillfort (ST13377498) is a large triangular multivallate Iron Age hillfort occupying the western tip of an extensive ridge-top plateau in the western suburbs of Caerau and Ely, Cardiff, Wales.


Castercliff is an Iron Age hillfort situated close to the towns of Nelson and Colne in Lancashire, Northern England.


The extremely large timescale of Prehistoric Europe left stone tools and weapons dating from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age that were chronologically ordered and dated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


Finds also included charcoal, pieces of flint and pottery from both earlier and later Iron Age and Roman periods.


During the Iron Age they received several influences, from central-western Europe (Hallstatt and, to a lesser extent, La Tène culture), and from the Mediterranean (Phoenicians and Carthaginians).

Grave goods

in a 2001 study on an Iron Age cemetery in Pontecagnano Faiano, Italy, a correlation was found between the quality of grave goods and Forensic indicators on the skeletons, showing that skeletons in wealthy tombs tended to show substantially less evidence of biological stress during adulthood, with fewer broken bones or signs of hard labor.

Har Gilo

Archaeological excavations in 1998 revealed the remains of two buildings and a rock-cut winepress, both dating back to the Iron age III (586-539 BCE).

Highbury Hill, Clutton

Highbury Hill in Clutton, Somerset, England is the site of the earthwork remains of an Iron Age univallate hillfort.


Accordingly, he took on an alias, Isbisa, after combining the first letter of the Ice Age, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Steel Age and the Atomic Age.

Khirbet Sharta

Discoveries include burial caves with remains from the Bronze, Iron, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Arabic eras.


Kynos or Cynus (Ancient Greek: Κύνος) is an ancient settlement site with finds of the Bronze and Early Iron Age, which was discovered on the edge of the town of Livanates in Central Greece.

Michael J. Kolb

Most of his recent contributions have been in the area of "social stratification and the political economy of the Maui Kingdom in Hawaii, and the rise of complexity in early Iron Age Sicily."

Mumun pottery period

The Late Mumun-Early Iron age Neuk-do Island Shellmidden Site yielded a small number of iron objects, Lelang and Yayoi pottery, and other evidence showing that beginning in the Late Mumun, local societies were drawn into closer economic and political contact with the societies of the Late Zhou, Final Jōmon, and Early Yayoi.

National Museum of Iran

The three halls contain artifacts from the lower, middle, and upper Paleolithic, as well as the Neolithic, Chalcolithic, early and late Bronze Age, and Iron Ages I-III, through the Median, Achaemenid, Seleucid, Parthian, and Sassanid periods.

Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery

Many prehistoric artefacts from Dartmoor, important Bronze Age and Iron Age material from Mount Batten and medieval and post-medieval finds from Plymouth are found in the human history collection alongside artifacts from Ancient Egypt and other ancient cultures of Europe and the Middle East.


Santimamiñe cave, Kortezubi, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain, is one of the most important archaeological sites of the Basque Country, including a nearly complete sequence from the Middle Paleolithic to the Iron Age.

Segsbury Camp

Segsbury Camp or Segsbury Castle is an Iron Age hill fort on the crest of the Berkshire Downs, near the Ridgeway above Wantage, in the Vale of White Horse district of Oxfordshire, England.

Sharsted Court

Earlier residents of the site may have included Iron Age settlers since excavations of earthworks on the estate in 1825 and 1880 revealed evidence of possible Belgic fortifications.

Temple of Isthmia

Furthermore, future excavations may be able to uncover more evidence on the temples relation to Doric architecture and so overall bring together a clearer picture of the changes that occurred as Greece moved on from the Iron Age into the Classical period.

Thomas E. Levy

Levy is a field archaeologist with interests in the role of technology, especially early mining and metallurgy, on social evolution from the beginnings of sedentism and the domestication of plants and animals in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period (7500 BCE) to the rise of the first historic Levantine state-level societies in the Iron Age (1200 – 500 BCE).


This was championed by Rudolf Much and other authors who proposed the now-discredited theory of "Alpine Germanic" tribes in the late Iron Age, to whom the Tulingi were counted.

Uppland Runic Inscription 53

As preserved written records from the old town give no hints of a developed knowledge in writing and reading runes in Stockholm and as these stones are too heavy to be transported very far, they are believed to have been brought in from the surrounding rural outskirts of the city, presumably from any of the Iron Age settlements of which traces have been discovered on both Norrmalm and Södermalm and considerably older than the city itself.


He gives 150 BCE (Patañjali) as a terminus ante quem for all Vedic Sanskrit literature, and 1200 BCE (the early Iron Age) as terminus post quem for the Atharvaveda.


Located on the north bank of the River Leam Wappenbury is almost entirely inside the ramparts of an Iron Age hill fort.

Winterbrook Bridge

Close to the east bank, near Mongewell, the construction work allowed examination of the South Oxfordshire Grim's Ditch, the long earthwork followed by the Ridgeway Path, and showed it to be late Iron Age/early Roman.