
15 unusual facts about Vedas

Astronomical chronology

Thus the attempts to date Vedic texts describing the Pleiades as rising "due East" to about 2300 BCE, which is the time when the Pleiades rose "exactly" due East, is complicated by the fact that poetic descriptions need not be taken as reflecting precise astronomical observations, while precession is a very slow process which makes only small changes in the azimuth of a star rising in the East.

Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology

Patanjali was one of the founders of the yoga tradition, sometime between 200 and 400 BC (pre-dating Buddhist psychology) and a student of the Vedas.


Prior to then the Yavanas appear in the Vedas with reference to the Vedic period, which could be as early as the 2nd millennium BC.

Maurice Bloomfield

His papers in the American Journal of Philology number a few in comparative linguistics, such as those on assimilation and adaptation in congeneric classes of words, and many valuable contributions to the interpretation of the Vedas, and he is best known as a student of the Vedas.

Metaphysics of War

In particular, Evola focuses on the idea of war as understood in the Catholic, Persian and Vedic traditions.

Mikhail Nikolayevich Zadornov

He supports the revisionist fringe theory that Russian language descends from the Vedas and Etruria, put forward by philologist Valery Chudinov.

Nasal irrigation

The earliest record of nasal irrigation is found in the ancient Hindu practice of Ayurveda whose roots are traced to the Vedas.


The first one says the great grammar pundit Pāṇini is the descendant of Pāṇis, and the other story is that a king of Kalinga conferred the title Pāṇi to Brahmins who could easily memorize all of the Vedas.

Pashupati seal

Doris Srinivasan has argued that the figure does not have three faces, or yogic posture, and that in Vedic literature Rudra was not a protector of wild animals.

Philosophy of war

Discusses war along with philosophical/religious observations about sacrifice derived from Vedic scripture.


If you want to know about Samavedam as in 1 of the 4 Vedas, please refer to Samaveda

The Takshashila Institution

The Vedas and the Eighteen Silpas or Arts, which included skills such as archery, hunting, and elephant lore, were taught, in addition to its law school, medical school, and school of military science.


He gives 150 BCE (Patañjali) as a terminus ante quem for all Vedic Sanskrit literature, and 1200 BCE (the early Iron Age) as terminus post quem for the Atharvaveda.

The complete corpus of Vedic mantras as collected in Bloomfield's Vedic Concordance (1907) consists of some 89,000 padas (metric feet), of which 72,000 occur in the four Samhitas.


The bearer of the yagnopaveetham is supposed to be engaged in the study of at least one Veda, with each strand representing one of the three Vedas, namely the Rig, Yajur and Saama Vedas of the Trayi Veda system (Atharva Veda was not included in the Trayi Veda system when it was in vogue).


Vedas |


Swami Dayananda Saraswati rejected the classical commentaries of the Vedas by Sayana, Mahidhara and Uvata as medieval corruptions "opposed to the real meaning of the Vedas" (p. 443) in order to arrive at an entirely symbolic interpretation of the ritual: "An empire is like a horse and the subjects like other inferior animals" (p. 448).

rejected the classical commentaries of the Vedas by Sayana, Mahidhara and Uvata as medieval corruptions "opposed to the real meaning of the Vedas" (p. 443) in order to arrive at an entirely symbolic interpretation of the ritual: "An empire is like a horse and the subjects like other inferior animals" (p. 448).

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

In it, he argued that the Vedas could only have been composed in the Arctics, and the Aryan bards brought them south after the onset of the last ice age.


The village is known for having scholars who are well versed in the ancient Indian texts of the Vedas and specifically in the practice of Astrology.

Old Earth creationism

These views are based on the Vedas, which depict an extreme antiquity of the universe and history of the Earth.

P. Parameswaran

Well entrenched in the philosophy of Vedas, Upanishads and Gita, he has followed in detail the thoughts and writings of Western thinkers like Karl Marx and Arnold Toynbee and the Indian seers like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo, Sree Narayana Guru, Mahatma Gandhi and Deendayal Upadhyaya.

Race Life of the Aryan Peoples

So of the Aryan folk; not the Vedas, not the Avestas, not the Iliad, or the Nibelungenlied, or Beowulf, but the marvelous tale of what the Aryan man has lived—how he has subdued the wild and waste lands—how he has made the desert to blossom as the rose—how he has built up empire with ax and plow, and has sailed the unknown paths of the seas—these are his true race epic.


Michael Witzel believes that the city's name is of Indo-Aryan origin and is recorded in the Vedas .


In the Vedas and late Upanishads: Akasha Chakra, Kapalasamputa, Sahasradala, Sahasrara, Sahasrara Kamala (Pankaja or Padma), Sthana, Wyoma, Wyomambuja


Dattatreya is associated with four dogs, considered to symbolize the four Vedas.

Tilok Chand Mehroom

When he died, his pall-bearers were two Hindus, one Muslim & one Sikh, and the Dasween (ceremony performed on the 10th day after death) included recitals from the Vedas & Bhagavad Gita (Hindu), the Qura'an (Muslim) and Sukhmani Sahib (Sikh).