
unusual facts about justification


27949 Jonasz

The justification given for assigning the name "Jonasz" is the way the singer's art "depicts the peace of the starry sky, enlightening the attraction of heavenly bodies".

Abdulla Majid Al Naimi

Bahraini Member of Parliament Mohammed Khalid expressed dismay at the arrest of a third former Guantanamo captive by Saudi authorities, and said that the Saudis had not offered a formal justification for his arrest.

Addled Parliament

Parliament saw no reason for a further grant: they had agreed to raise £200,000 per annum as part of the Great Contract and as the war with Spain had reached its resolution with the 1604 Treaty of London, they saw the King's continued financial deficit as a result of his extravagance (especially on Scottish favourites such as Robert Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset) and saw no justification for continued high spending.

Alan Gewirth

Alan Gewirth (November 28, 1912 – May 9, 2004) was an American philosopher, a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago, and author of Reason and Morality (1978), Human Rights: Essays on Justification and Applications (1982), The Community of Rights (1996), Self-Fulfillment (1998), and numerous other writings in moral philosophy and political philosophy.

Benjamin Woodbridge

In 1652 he attempted to refute two ministers of Salisbury, Thomas Warren and William Eyre, in a sermon on Justification by Faith, which was published and commended by Richard Baxter.

Bruno Platter

In 1973 he received the degree Doctor of Theology from the University of Innsbruck; his dissertation was entitled Die Begründung des Mischehenverbotes: eine theologie- und rechtsgeschichtliche Untersuchung (The Justification for the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages: A Theological and Legal-Historical Study).

Caister Castle

John Paston, with some justification, claimed to be his heir; this put him in direct conflict with various major players of the time, such as the Duke of Norfolk and Sir William Yelverton.

Christianity and sexual orientation

The story of David and Jonathan has been described as "biblical Judeo-Christianity's most influential justification of homoerotic love".

Death of Azelle Rodney

In July 2013 a judicial inquiry found that the Authorised Firearms Officer who fired the fatal shots had "no lawful justification" for opening fire.

Edgar Huntly

Huntly's justification of killing is similar to Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov's justification in Crime and Punishment.

Edmund Neville

He claimed the earldom of Westmorland after the death of Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland, in 1601, possibly with some justification; but his petition was not heard.

Friedrich von Wieser

By contrast, authors such as John Maynard Keynes, Vladimir Lenin, Paul Baran and Gunnar Myrdal came to be greatly appreciated by the academy and by centers of power for providing theoretical justification for economic intervention, when searching for measures to prop up plutocratic regimes.

Green museum

For instance, Disney's Animal Kingdom cites Richard Louv's Nature Deficit Disorder as one justification for their Kids' Discovery Clubs, which focuses on encouraging children to not only learn about animals but also find out what they can do to help wildlife.

Heinrich Carl von Schimmelmann

His legacy has been attacked – not without justification – because the state takeover of the Bank of Copenhagen in 1773 in the long run led to inflation due to the unhealthy temptation of printing money whenever the state needed it.

Human genetic clustering

In the late 1990s Harvard evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin stated that “no justification can be offered for continuing the biological concept of race.

Ihor Lytovchenko

He is a Candidate of economic science and defended a thesis “Justification of the risks and threat assessment level at the activities of enterprises” (2004).

John Bogdan

On 5 August 2013, Jason Leopold, writing in Al Jazeera, reported that Bogdan's justification for intrusive genital searches was based on the idea that there was a risk that al Qaeda would launch a frontal attack on the prison.

John Bowdler

He disapproved of Sir Richard Hill's 'Apology for Brotherly Love,' a partial justification of the prevailing dissent, and issued pamphlets in support of the opposite views expounded in Charles Daubeney's 'Guide to the Church.'

John V. Kelly

As president of Nutley Savings Bank, Kelly was known for going out of his way to find a justification to fund a mortgage for a prospective customer and was likened to Jimmy Stewart's character George Bailey in the holiday classic It's a Wonderful Life.

Judiciary of France

While in Germanic Europe the supreme courts can and do tend to write more verbose opinions supported by legal reasoning, the typical Francophone court of cassation decision is short, concise and devoid of explanation or justification.

Justification from eternity

Early antinomians John Eaton and John Saltmarsh taught that justification precedes faith, though they did not specifically teach the doctrine of justification from eternity, and William Twisse taught that at least in some sense justification precedes faith.

Lambeth Articles

The Lambeth Articles were a series of nine doctrinal statements drawn up by Archbishop of Canterbury John Whitgift in 1595, in order to define Calvinist doctrine with regard to predestination and justification.

Laurent Thévenot

He co-authored, with Luc Boltanski, of "On Justification. The Economies of Worth" (2006, Princeton University Press) which analyzes the most legitimate repertoires of evaluation governing political, economic and social relationships.

Level of measurement

Further progress was made by Georg Rasch (1960), who developed the probabilistic Rasch model that provides a theoretical basis and justification for obtaining interval-level measurements from counts of observations such as total scores on assessments.

Little People of America

The statement was made in direct response to an episode of Celebrity Apprentice which featured a multiple uses of the word "midget" and a justification of it by one of the celebrities, Jesse James.

Louis de Potter

The author's aim in this work was to glorify Josephinism, the justification of the reforms carried out in Tuscany under the auspices of grand duke Pietro Leopold I of Tuscany, brother of Joseph II.

Luc Boltanski

A book co-authored with Laurent Thévenot, On Justification: The Economies of Worth, 2006 (French original: 1991), argues that modern societies are not a single social order but an interweaving of multiple orders.

Margaret Randall

The INS district director gave the justification that "her writings go far beyond mere dissent".

Matthew Clarkson

He was the great-great-grandson of Reverend David Clarkson (1622–1686), a notable Puritan clergyman in Yorkshire, England, whose sermons included "The Doctrine of Justification is Dangerously Corrupted by the Roman Church."

Maurice Bishop International Airport

The American justification for the invasion was the threat to American medical students at St. George's University, whose campus is a short distance from the airport.


Myles Burnyeat and others, however, have argued that the phrase aitias logismos refers to a practical working out of a solution, rather than a justification.

One Park West

In their design justification for the site, both companies state the form of the new building was contextualised based on its setting, adjacent to Liverpool’s waterfront, a World Heritage Site including the Three Graces: the Royal Liver Building, the Port of Liverpool Building and the Cunard Building.

Orlando Bosch

When asked if he was responsible for the Cubana Flight 455 bombing in an interview for the 2006 documentary 638 Ways to Kill Castro, Bosch responded, "I'm supposed to say no", and then described the justification for such attacks as being because there existed a state of war between Castro and his opponents.

Prussian Lithuanians

Alfred Naujocks, an SS-Sturmbannführer who took part in a staged incident on the Polish border to provide the justification for the attack on Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939

Roland Dobrushin

Together with Kotecký and Shlosman, he studied the formation of droplets in Ising-type models, providing mathematical justification of the Wulff construction.

Samurai in Japanese literature

The Last Statement of Torii Mototada outlines the justification, written to his son, for his decision to remain behind at Fushimi castle.

The Mountain Wreath

According to Pavlović Serbian nationalists use it as a historical justification in their attempt to keep alive their dream of Greater Serbia, Croatian nationalists as the ultimate statement of the Oriental nature of South Slavs living east of the Drina river, while others view the Mountain Wreath as a manual for ethnic cleansing and fratricidal murder.

The Purple Land

According to Ezequiel Martínez Estrada, who is quoted by Borges, the final pages of the novel contain "the supreme justification of America compared with Western civilisation."

Treason Act 1702

In the movie King Ralph, Ralph used the Treason Act of 1702 as his justification in ordering the arrest of Lord Graves (John Hurt) on the grounds that Graves had interfered with Ralph's succession to the throne.

University of California Riverside 1985 laboratory raid

Veterinarian ophthalmologist Ned Buyukmihci of the University of California, Davis, and founder of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, said after he examined Britches that the sutures used were too large, the monkey's eye pads were dirty, and that, in his view, there was no justification for what he called a sloppy, painful experiment.

Vsevolod Klechkovsky

Klechkovsky also studied theoretical chemistry, and proposed a theoretical justification of the empirical Madelung rule for the ordering of atomic orbital energies.


Bravo, a document preparation program for the Alto produced at Xerox PARC by Butler Lampson, Charles Simonyi and colleagues in 1974, is generally considered the first program to incorporate WYSIWYG technology, displaying text with formatting (e.g. with justification, fonts, and proportional spacing of characters).

see also