
unusual facts about kidney failure

Big Dick Dudley Memorial Show

The show was held in memory of Big Dick Dudley, who died of kidney failure at his apartment in Copiague, New York on May 16, 2002, with a portion of the proceeds going to his family.


On March 16, 2007 pet food manufacturer Menu Foods announced a recall of dog food sold under 53 brands, and cat food sold under 42 brands, after an unknown number of animals suffered kidney failure after eating it.


Kidney stones, which sometimes may lead to more severe condition including kidney failure;

Luciano Galletti

In early February 2010, Galletti was diagnosed with severe kidney failure, causing him to miss the rest of the season.

see also

Brian Redhead

He was thought to need hip surgery, but in fact had a ruptured appendix which was leaking toxins, causing liver and kidney failure and other problems.

Flavio Ortega

Ortega died of a respiratory disorder, which added to kidney failure both results from a brain haemorrhage, in 2007 in San Pedro Sula.


Home hemodialysis, a life-supporting treatment for people with kidney failure

Kenny Easley

Easley filed a lawsuit against the Seahawks, their team trainer, and the team doctors stating that an overdose of Advil (ibuprofen) for an ankle injury a few years before was the cause of his kidney failure.


This may be a clinical sign of hypoalbuminaemia (low albumin), which can be seen in nephrotic syndrome (a form of kidney failure), liver failure, protein malabsorption and protein-losing enteropathies.