
11 unusual facts about lantana

Autosticha pelodes

The larvae have been found beneath dead leaf sheaths of sugarcane, in fibrous material at the bases of palm fronds, in old Ipomoea capsules and in dead twigs and sticks of Araucaria, Lantana and Ricinus species.

Bandipur National Park

Lantana bush introduced by British in 19th century in tea gardens has spread rapidly at the cost of other valuable herbs and saplings.

Black-breasted Weaver

At the 'helmet' stage of construction a quantity of wet mud or cowdung is daubed thickly along the edge, with bright coloured scarlet or orange flowers or flower petals (Lantana, Lagerstroemia) incorporated; observations suggest that this is part of the courtship rituals and exercise a direct influence on the reactions of the visiting female, both for this species and the Streaked Weaver.


But C. plebejana is an occasional pest of cotton (and some other mostly malvaceous plants) and has become widely distributed by trade in agricultural produce, while the Lantana Flower-cluster Moth (C. lantana) is employed in Lantana biocontrol and has been deliberately introduced to some locations.

Ganyra josephina

They feed on flower nectar from a variety of weeds and garden plants including Lantana, Eupatorium and Bougainvillea.

Gorgyra subfacatus

Adults are attracted to flowers, such as those of Lantana species.

Lantana, Florida

As postmaster, Lyman named the post office – Lantana Point – for the wild Lantana plants that grew in abundance in the area.

Leptophobia eleone

Adults feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Lantana species.

Marpesia eleuchea

Adults feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Tournefortia, Cordia, Lantana, and Eupatorium species.

Phoebis neocypris

They feed on flower nectar of various flowers, including Lantana and Impatiens species.

Red Spurfowl

They prefer areas with good undergrowth including those formed by the invasive Lantana.

Amy Jenkins

Funny Valentine was optioned in 2004 by the Australian producer Jan Chapman, who produced The Piano and Lantana.

FC Lantana Tallinn

Despite their table-topping league form, Lantana did not supply any players to the Estonian national side.

Greta oto

oto visits common flowers like lantana, but prefers to lay its eggs on plants of the tropical Solanaceae genus Cestrum.

Mandy Walker

She was nominated for the Australian Film Institute Award for Best Achievement in Cinematography for The Well, the Film Critics Circle of Australia Award for Best Cinematography for The Well and Lantana, and the Independent Spirit Award for Best Cinematography for Shattered Glass.

Papilio menatius

Adults feed on flower nectar of various plants, including Lantana and Impatiens species.

Pimelea spicata

Invasive weeds which compete with the plant for resources include bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides), bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera), blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum), lantana (Lantana camara), African olive (Olea africana subsp. africana) and privet (Ligustrum lucidum).

Remya mauiensis

Threats to this species include degradation of the habitat by invasive plant species, including daisy fleabane, silk oak, lantana, and basketgrass.

Stotts Island Nature Reserve

Weeds that have invaded nearby rainforest include madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia), cat's claw (Macfadyena unguis-cati), moonflower (Ipomoea alba) and lantana (Lantana camara), although the rainforest on the island itself has been little affected to date.

Strymon bazochii

Adults feed on nectar from various flowers, including Bidens alba, Lantana species and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis.

Viburnum lantana

Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree) is a species of Viburnum, native to central, southern and western Europe (north to Yorkshire in England), northwest Africa, and southwestern Asia.