
unusual facts about lawmakers


2011 Indiana legislative walkouts

Governor Mitch Daniels stated that while he supported the legislation, he believed the Republican lawmakers should drop the bill because it was not part of their election platform and deserved a period of public debate.

Agustín Rossi

He also courted controversy with his rhetoric, notably in August 2010 when he described lawmakers who presented a bill that sought reverse a government decision to revoke an expired license for the Fibertel internet service provider, as "lawyers" for the Clarín Group (Fibertel's parent company); there have been ongoing controversies between Clarín and Kirchnerism since 2008 over a number of issues.

Andrey Savelyev

Savelyev is a grand master at Tai Kwon Do and the brawl had to be broken up by other lawmakers.

Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly

Domestically the firm has represented Bethlehem Steel and Tobacco Institute, and helped elect a slew of lawmakers—including Senators Phil Gramm, Jesse Helms, Charles McCurdy Mathias Jr., Arlen Specter, Paula Hawkins and David F. Durenberger, and worked on legislation that benefitted the firm's clients.

Charles Cusimano

The amendment, strongly opposed by the Saints' owner, Tom Benson, appeared to have passed until Governor Edwin Washington Edwards, in an unprecedented move, came to the chamber to plead with the lawmakers to reverse themselves.

Coons v. Geithner

The Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation is representing Tempe, Arizona resident Nick Coons, 30 Arizona state lawmakers, and members of the House of Representatives Jeff Flake, Trent Franks, and John Shadegg.

Cunningham scandal

Campaign-finance records show that those lawmakers were Virginia Republican Rep. Virgil Goode and Florida Republican Rep. Katherine Harris.

Donna Edwards

The other U.S. lawmakers arrested during the protest were Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts), Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia), Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), and Lynn Woolsey (D-California).

History of the Republic of Egypt

On 8 July 2012, Egypt's new president Mohamed Morsi announced he was overriding the military edict that dissolved the country's elected parliament and he called lawmakers back into session.

History of the University of Texas at Austin

Congress failed to act any further until 1858, when lawmakers set out in the Act of 1858 $100,000 in United States bonds left from the Compromise of 1850 to put towards the universities.

Honouliuli Internment Camp

On July 6, 2012, Governor Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2678 into law, creating an advisory group to develop and present recommendations for an educational resource center to lawmakers in the next legislative session.

János Latorcai

As the votes were being counted, Jobbik lawmakers shouted slogans including "Traitors" and "No, no, never," the latter a traditional protest chant against the post-World War I Treaty of Trianon.

Jessie's Dad

The hour-long documentary follows Lunsford as he visits Capitol Hill and state capitols to urge lawmakers to wise up and crack down on child predators.

Joseph B. Scarnati

Scarnati narrowly won the race to replace Jubelirer against veteran lawmakers Stewart Greenleaf and Jeffrey Piccola.

Kelley Wirth

Wirth, a Democrat, was one of two Oregon lawmakers to resign during the 73rd Oregon Legislative Assembly due to a personal scandal, with the other being Dan Doyle (RSalem).

Michael S. Bennett

On November 4, 2009, Bennett introduced Senate Bill 598, part of a joint resolution with Republicans Baxter Troutman and Kevin Ambler in the Florida House of Representatives to increase length of terms for senators to six years, and state representatives to four years, capping years of service for all state lawmakers, elected county officials and municipal officers to 12 consecutive years in office.

Mitchell Wade

Campaign-finance records show that those lawmakers were Virginia Republican Rep. Virgil Goode and Florida Republican Rep. Katherine Harris.

Mohammed al Janahi

The film, which stars Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Philip Seymour Hoffman, tells the story of a Texas congressman (Hanks) who works to help the Mujahideen defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan using an unlikely alliance of lawmakers, Israelis, Pakistanis, arms dealers and Egyptians.

Neoconservatism in Japan

The neoconservatives generally eschew traditional party-line factionalism, form alliances with lawmakers connected to defense, and create their own study committees.

Oral Health America

Oral Health America's advocacy centers on bringing oral health care to people in need; in 2009, the organization worked with the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), Dental Health Foundation, National Consumers League, Institute for Oral Health, and the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) to implore lawmakers to include oral health provisions in health reform legislation.

Paul Fericano

Published by Second Coming Press and funded by a grant from the California Arts Council, lawmakers used this as a reason for denying Jane Fonda's appointment at the time to the California Arts Council by Jerry Brown during his first turn as governor of California.

Richard Herman

As a result of the clout controversy, several state lawmakers including Representatives, Naomi Jakobsson, Chapin Rose, and Bill Black have called for legislative investigations.

United Somali Parliamentarians

It consists of 126 MPs, including Minister of Constitution Affairs and Federalism Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail, Deputy Defense Minister Salad Ali Jelle, Reconciliation Minister Mohamed Abdi Mareye and lawmakers Mohamed Qanyare and Muse Sudi Yalahow.

see also