As the votes were being counted, Jobbik lawmakers shouted slogans including "Traitors" and "No, no, never," the latter a traditional protest chant against the post-World War I Treaty of Trianon.
Pro-government MPs passed a controversial new land law amid raucous protests in Parliament and the resignation of József Ángyán, a high-profile lawmaker from the governing party.
Janos Starker | János Starker | János Kádár | János Arany | Janos Prohaska | János Négyesy | János Fadrusz | János Varga | János Vajda | Janos Trail | János Sebestyén | János Saxon-Szász | János Pilinszky | János Nagy | János Kis | János Horvay | János Görbe | János Csonka | János Bródy | János Apáczai Csere |