The most commonly used screening method for coronary disease is CT based coronary artery calcium quantification based on Agatston method, which was developed by Arthur Agatston.
Albert Gjedde’s collaborations focus on experiments with volunteer subjects and patients that explore the lesions and degeneration of brain tissue in disorders such as epilepsy, ludomania, Parkinson's disease, stroke, depression, and somatizing disorders, as well as disorders related to addiction.
Depending on the location of the lesion to be biopsied, a radiologist will often perform needle localization beforehand to guide the surgeon to the site being biopsied.
Cândido Joaquim Venda Moreira Barbosa (born December 31, 1974 in Rebordosa, Portugal) was a professional road racing cyclist from 1995 to 2010, where he decided to end his career as a professional road racing cyclist due to a serious lesion on both of his knees.
Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma is characterized by a rounded, medallion-like lesion on the upper trunk in which there is a proliferation of fusiform CD34, factor XIIIa-positive cells in the mid and reticular dermis.
Joseph E. LeDoux finds two amygdala pathways in the brain of the laboratory mouse by the use of fear conditioning and lesion study.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and ⁄ or spinal cord is the best modality for evaluation when the lesion is suspected to be localized to the central nervous system.
Diagnostic methods for the detection of the disease include: characteristic histological pancreatic lesion, PCR, indirect fluorescent antibody testing, ELISA, and virus culture.
A lateral pontine syndrome is a lesion which is similar to the Lateral medullary syndrome, but because it occurs in the pons, it also involves the cranial nerve nuclei of the pons.
Moreover, it involves the diagnosis and follow-up of pre-malignant lesions of the oral cavity, sauch as leukoplakias or erythroplakias and of chronic and acute pain conditions such as paroxysmal neuralgias, continuous neuralgias, myofascial pain, atypical facial pain, autonomic cephalalgias, headaches and migraines.
In older people, the lesion typically appears as an area of osteosclerotic bone with a radiolucent line between the osteochondral defect and the epiphysis.
It is named after Georg C. Perthes (1869-1927), a German Surgeon and X-Ray diagnostic pioneer who first described the lesion in 1905.
Lesion nematodes are migratory endoparasites that feed and reproduce in the root and move around, unlike the cyst or root-knot nematodes, which may stay in one place.
An absence of reflex can be an indicator of several medical conditions: Myopathy, neuropathy, spondylosis, sensory nerve disease, neuritis, potential lower motor neuron lesion, or poliomyelitis.