
unusual facts about lichens


Abablemma duomaculata

Larvae have been reared on Physcia species, but probably also feed on other lichens.

Asura cervicalis

The larvae have been observed on Ficus, Acacia and Eucalyptus species, but is suspected of feeding only on the Lichens on the trunks and branches of these plants.

Atlantic hazelwood

Young, smooth-barked hazel stems are colonised by crustose lichens of the Graphidion, including the very rare Graphis alboscripta.

Baffin Bay

There are about 400 plant and tree species on the bay shores, including birch, willow, alder and plants adapted to salty soils, as well as lyme grass, mosses, and lichens.

Benzalkonium chloride

Algaecide for clearing of algae, moss, lichens from paths, roof tiles, swimming pools, masonry and in horticultural greenhouse disinfection

Caloplaca Cove

It was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee after the abundant orange lichens of the genus Caloplaca, which encrust the sea cliffs around the cove.

Edward Schunck

Liebig encouraged Schunck to reinvestigate the subject using dye-producing lichens that grow on the basalt rocks of the Vogelsberg in Upper Hessia.


Epiphytes are common in some groups of plants, such as ferns, mosses, Strangler figs, lichens, and algae.

Helm Point

It consists of brown granodiorite and supports a relatively luxuriant vegetation of lichens and mosses, along with nests of Snow Petrels and Wilson's Petrels.

Infurcitinea argentimaculella

The larvae feed on lichens, including Lepraria species, growing on shady rocks, walls or tree trunks.

Louisa Collings

She also took time in 1862 to compile a list of 150 species of lichens that appear on the island of Guernsey, and presented it to the geologist David T. Ansted, who was working on a book about the Channel Islands.

Mexican Sheartail

The tiny cup-shaped nest is made of lichens, spiders webs and the seeds of daisy family plants.

Miramella alpina

They feed on grasses, lichens, mosses and various herbaceous plants, with a preference for Vaccinium species.

Musée et jardins botaniques cantonaux

In addition to these the museum houses other historical herbarium collections including those of Jean-François Gaudin (1766-1833) and Johann-Christoph Schleicher (1770-1834), as well as specialized collections of lichens, mosses, algae and fungi, myxomycetes (Myxogastria), and samples of seeds and pollen.

T. vermicularis

Thamnolia vermicularis, a fungus species associated in lichens in the genus Thamnolia found in high parts of Namadgi National Park in the Australian Capital Territory and Severnaya Zemlya

Usnea Ridge

Named by the United Kingdom Antarctic Place-Names Committee (UK-APC) in 1991 after lichens of the genus Usnea, which form a main element of the plant life on the ridge.

William Mitten

He built up a collection of some 50,000 specimens of bryophytes (mosses, lichens and liverworts) at his home in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.

see also