
2 unusual facts about machine code

Machine code

It has been said that machine code is so unreadable that the United States Copyright Office cannot even identify whether a particular encoded program is an original work of authorship.

Multi-channel app development

Multi-channel app development (sometimes known as cross-platform development) refers to the method of being able to support multiple operating systems and multiple deployment methods (Native, HTML5/mobile web, mixed mode) from a single development platform.

Electron User

Often the April-dated edition of the magazine included an April Fools' Day joke, generally consisting of a short machine code type-in listing which claimed to do something extremely useful and of wide interest but which in fact printed APRIL FOOL on the screen.

The Home Computer Advanced Course

Subjects included computer applications, computer hardware and software technology, concepts in computer science, practical electronics projects, BASIC and machine code programming, other programming languages, operating systems (including MS-DOS and UNIX), and a jargon dictionary.

see also


For example, Java and Smalltalk code is typically stored in bytecoded format, which is typically then JIT compiled to translate the bytecode to machine code before execution.


These features, such as reflection / introspection, the translation to an intermediate representation instead of machine code (the CIL) that still contains information about user-defined classes, platform independence and extensive thread management functionality, are supposed to allow for faster development and easier debugging of systems.


An executable comprises machine code for a particular processor or family of processors.

History of the Scheme programming language

The first implementation of Lisp was on an IBM 704 by Steve Russell, who read McCarthy's paper and coded the eval function he described in machine code.

Imperative programming

FORTRAN, developed by John Backus at IBM starting in 1954, was the first major programming language to remove the obstacles presented by machine code in the creation of complex programs.


Object file, an organized machine code file created by a compiler with .