
unusual facts about mandate

1925 Hama uprising

Tensions between the French authorities and the leaders of Jabal al-Druze began to surface from 1922 and in the mid-summer of 1925, the Druze leader Sultan Pasha al-Atrash declared an uprising against the French Mandate after the imprisonment of three prominent Druze leaders who were invited to Damascus for talks with the authorities.

Agnes Potten and Joan Trunchfield

After the mandate against the married clergy, Robert Samuel, the displaced minister of East Bergholt, sent his wife to live in Ipswich.

BAC Three-Eleven

Since a general election was approaching, the Labour cabinet of Harold Wilson halted progress on the issue until a new government had a fresh mandate.

Bernard Feilden

During his mandate he spearheaded safeguarding measures and disaster recovery of cultural heritage in the wake of the 1976 earthquakes in Guatemala and Friuli (Italy), and the 1979 earthquake in Montenegro.

Concordia, Magdalena

Founded by Mandate 007 of June 24, 1999 with portion of territories from the municipalities of Cerro San Antonio and Pedraza.


In Jersey, each parish elects a constable for a three-year mandate to run the parish and also represent the parish in the legislature, the States of Jersey.


The Canada School of Public Service, a government organization whose mandate is to provide a range of learning activities to build individual and organizational capacity and management excellence within the Canadian Federal Public Service.

Cyprus Government Railway

When the first British High Commissioner, Sir Garnet Wolseley, arrived in Cyprus in 1878, he was keen to construct a railway on the island but the project did not come to fruition for a long time, due to the uncertainty of the length of the British mandate in Cyprus.

Deir al-Bukht

During the French Mandate period, Deir al-Bukht was the center of the 'Al al-Zubi clan which controlled a total of 16 villages in the Hauran, including Khirbet Ghazaleh and al-Musayfirah, and provided the local religious leadership of the Qadiriyya, Sufi Muslim order dating back to the 12th-century.

Denise Laferrière

During her first mandate, several areas including Boulevard Saint-Laurent (now called Boulevard des Allumettières) and Boulevard Maisonneuve were revitalized and newer housing projects have developed over the past years replacing older homes in poor condition.

Edward Abraham Byrne

The administration headed by Fiorello H. La Guardia assumed the Mayor's office on January 1, 1934, with a mandate for a "clean sweep", and the complete reorganization of the Triborough Bridge Authority was among the changes which followed.

Edward J. Ruppelt

Incidentally, the base had also headquartered two formal unidentified flying object investigations: Project Sign (1947–1948), which had come to favor the extraterrestrial hypothesis before being replaced with Project Grudge (1949–1951), which had a debunking mandate.

Exodus Mandate

Since its founding, Exodus Mandate have endorsed the Mission America-spearheaded "School Risk Audit" program to investigate schools for any sign of LGBT tolerance or support.

Human rights in pre-Saddam Iraq

In the 1920s, when Britain held a mandate from the League of Nations (predecessor of the United Nations), British occupational forces, under the command of Arthur Harris, used mustard gas and delayed action bombing to suppress Iraqi resistance to British rule, leading to numerous civilian casualties.

International Collective in Support of Fishworkers

ICSF draws its mandate from the historic International Conference of Fishworkers and their Supporters (ICFWS), held in Rome in 1984, parallel to the World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

Isabel Bassett

Her mandate was to refocus the network on educational programming; however, Bassett successfully found ways to ensure that the network's most popular non-educational programs, such as Saturday Night at the Movies and Studio 2, could continue to air.

Jableh District

Latakia and the surrounding districts became a separate autonomous state under a Mandate given to France by the League of Nations and remained so for two years until its incorporation into the larger, French Mandate of Syria in 1923.


Hussam ad-Din Jarallah (1884–1954), Sunni Muslim leader of the Palestinian people during the British Mandate of Palestine

Jean-Pierre Jouyet

At the conclusion of this assignment, Jean-Pierre Jouyet was then nominated by President Sarkozy on the 14 November 2008 to become Chairman of the French securities regulator, the AMF (l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers), to replace Michel Prada, at the end of his non-renewable 5 year mandate, on 15 December 2008.

Kevin J. O'Toole

O'Toole has sponsored laws to reform welfare, strengthen domestic violence statutes, increase penalties on businesses and individuals who engage in discrimination, mandate insurance coverage for mammography and for treatment of breast and cervical cancer, preserve the state's drinking water supply through the preservation of Sterling Forest, and create more government transparency.

Le Sillon

Le Sillon was finally condemned by the papal letter of 25 August 1910 Notre Charge Apostolique (Our Apostolic Mandate).

Lebanese Independence Day

The newly formed government refused to hold talks with General Catroux or any other mandate official; stressing that any negotiation should be done with the captured government.

This incident, which unified the Christian and Muslim opinion towards the mandate, led to an international pressure demanding the Lebanese leaders' release and massive street protests.


Mayor Filip Anthuenis (VLD) was elected for a third mandate during the elections on October 14, 2012.

National Jewish Welfare Board

In 1941, in a response to a mandate from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, six private organizations - the YMCA, YWCA, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Traveler's Aid Association and the Salvation Army were challenged to handle the on-leave morale and recreational needs for members of the Armed Forces.

New York City Council

In 1989, the Supreme Court ruled that the Board of Estimate also violated the one-person, one-vote mandate.

Next United Kingdom general election

The terms of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 mandate that the election will be held on 7 May 2015 (except in the event of a collapse of government or a two-thirds majority of MPs voting for an early election).

Northern Illinois Commuter Transportation Initiative

The mandate of the NICTI is to investigate regional transportation options for linking the Rockford area with Chicago.

Occupation of Turkish Armenia

During the Conference of London, David Lloyd George encouraged American President Woodrow Wilson to accept a mandate for Anatolia, particularly with the support of the Armenian diaspora, for the provinces claimed by the Administration for Western Armenia during its largest occupation in 1916.

Old German government headquarters in Douala

During the French Mandate, the capital was moved to Yaoundé, with the decree of the 1st March 1921 and the High Commissioner Delegate occupied the building.

Palestinian Police

Palestine Police Force, the British colonial police service established in the British Mandate for Palestine

Rue Lainerie

In its northern part, at the junction with the Rue François Vernay, several old houses were razed in 1911, under the mandate of President Édouard Herriot, during development works of the district which included the construction of the Gare de Lyon-Saint-Paul (1874) and the Palais de Bondy, housing the Salle Molière (1904).

S – Portrait of a Spy

Former Minister of National Defence Paul Hellyer wrote that information in the novel seemed sufficiently credible to alter the mandate of a high-profile inquiry into wrongdoing by the RCMP Security Service.

Salem bin Laden

The National Transportation Safety Board did not conduct an accident investigation since the aircraft was an ultralight aircraft, which was not covered under their mandate due to exemption while operating under FAR Part 103 Provisions required by Federal law.

Saskia Ozinga

In March 1995 Saskia co-founded, together with Sian Pettman, the organisation FERN with a mandate to monitor EU activities in relation to forests, inform and educate the Forest Movement Europe about these activities and facilitate joint advocacy work towards the different EU institutions.

Southern Indiana Toll Road

Together these corridors mandate the construction of an Interstate highway from Port Huron, Michigan to Brownsville, Texas.

Southern Zone International Airport

The airport was a promise of current President Laura Chinchilla to boost the economic development of the region, and its construction is slated to start during her mandate (ending in 2014).

Special Allied Airborne Reconnaissance Force

In February 1945, when the defeat of Germany appeared imminent, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) was provided with a mandate for dispatching troops whose mission would be to secure the safety of Allied Prisoners Of War and to provide for their early evacuation.


He had originally came to the British Mandate of Palestine on a short visit for the opening of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and decided to stay after he saw the potential in opening a foreign language bookstore that would serve a growing immigrants' market as well as British Army soldiers serving under the British Mandate.

Transjordan memorandum

On September 16, 1922, Lord Balfour, representing the United Kingdom, reminded the Council of the League of Nations of Article 25 of the Mandate for Palestine (which had been previously approved but had not yet come into effect).

Uganda Insurance Commission

According to its website, the mandate of the commission is "to supervise and regulate the insurance industry in Uganda." Commission offices are located in Kampala; the position of Commissioner of Insurance is currently vacant.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1493

The preameble of the resolution reiterated the Council's support of Operation Artemis in Bunia and the need to replace the force once its mandate had expired, in accordance with Resolution 1484 (2003).

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1565

Acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council extended MONUC's mandate and authorised an increase of 5,900 personnel, with deployments in North and South Kivu.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1742

Unanimously adopting resolution 1742 (2007) and acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council requested the Secretary-General to report, as soon as possible and not later than 15 March, on his consultations with the Congolese authorities and to submit recommendations on adjustments the Council might consider making to the mandate and capacities of MONUC.

Wayne LaPierre

Project Exile and similar programs that mandate severe sentences for all gun crimes especially illegal possession.


WGGN-TV shut down its analog signal, over UHF channel 52, on June 12, 2009, the official date in which full-power television stations in the United States transitioned from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate.


WMFD-TV shut down its analog signal, over UHF channel 68, on June 16, 2008, eight months before the official date in which full-power television stations in the United States transitioned from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate (February 17, 2009, before the transition date was moved to June 12); the early conversion was done as part of final upgrades to its digital transmitter facilities.


WEAO discontinued regular programming on its analog signal, over UHF channel 49, on June 12, 2009, the official date in which full-power television stations in the United States transitioned from analog to digital broadcasts under federal mandate.

Wolfgang Wodarg

He was a representative for the directly elected Bundestag seat for the Flensburg-Schleswig constituency from 1994 but lost his mandate in the 2009 German federal election.

see also