
unusual facts about maracas

Maracas-Saint Joseph

Maracas-Saint Joseph is a colloquial name used in Trinidad and Tobago to distinguish the Maracas Valley above the town of Saint Joseph from Maracas Beach.


maracas |


Chimilas were practiced musical rites with drums of many sizes, flutes with a tip made out of wax varying in between two and five holes, imitated the singing of the Rufous-vented Chachalaca birds with an instrument called guacharaca and maracas.

Ed Redys

Redys was the accordion player, with Al Widmar on bass or fiddle, John Beradino on conga or maracas, and Satchel Paige on snare drum.

Jit Samaroo

They were initially Parang players - Jit on guitar pan, Girlie on cowbell, Vidya on the drums, Baboolal on maracas, and brother Sonilal on scratcher - but by 14, already a self-confessed "slave to steelpan", Jit joined the Lever Brothers Canboulay Steelband.

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