
3 unusual facts about materialism

Fernand Oury

#Materialist: the equipment, the techniques of organisation and initiating activities, consideration of concrete situations, and concrete relations.


For instance Werner Heisenberg said "The ontology of materialism rested upon the illusion that the kind of existence, the direct 'actuality' of the world around us, can be extrapolated into the atomic range. This extrapolation, however, is impossible... atoms are not things."

There followed the materialist and atheist Jean Meslier, Julien Offroy de La Mettrie, Paul-Henri Thiry Baron d'Holbach, Denis Diderot, and other French Enlightenment thinkers; as well as in England, John "Walking" Stewart, whose insistence that all matter is endowed with a moral dimension had a major impact on the philosophical poetry of William Wordsworth.

Alastair Hannay

Hannay argues that consciousness and the first-person point of view cannot be analysed or displaced by scientific materialism, nor can they be explained functionally, a view close to that of Thomas Reid, William Hamilton, and Ferrier.

Benjamin Wiker

In this book, Wiker aims to show how Darwinism by its very nature completely undermines the ethical foundations of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam because its materialist cosmology is incompatible with any concept of natural law.

Cthulhu Mythos

Writer Dirk W. Mosig notes that Lovecraft was a "mechanistic materialist" who embraced the philosophy of cosmic indifferentism.

Denis Diderot

In his youth, Diderot was originally a follower of Voltaire and his deist Anglomanie, but gradually moved away from this line of thought towards materialism and atheism, a move which was finally realised in 1747 in the philosophical debate in the second part of his La Promenade du sceptique (1747).

Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Dialectical and Historical Materialism, by Joseph Stalin, is a central text within Soviet political theory.

Historical materialism

Göran Therborn, Science, Class and Society (critical survey of the relationship between sociology and historical materialism)

Göran Therborn has argued that the method of historical materialism should be applied to historical materialism as intellectual tradition, and to the history of Marxism itself.

History of Egypt under Anwar Sadat

(An example being My Itinerary from Doubt to Belief, an autobiography by a very popular Egyptian writer, Dr. Mustafa Mahmud, who had formerly been a staunch believer in scientific positivism, human engineering, and materialism.

Moral treatment

This tradition of medical materialism found a ready partner in the Lamarckian biology purveyed by the naturalist Robert Edmond Grant (1793–1874) who exercised a striking influence on the young Charles Darwin during his time as a medical student in Edinburgh in 1826/1827.

Neil Leach

His more recent work has developed in the direction of materialism and computation, inspired in part by the work of Gilles Deleuze and Manuel DeLanda but also by new scientific thinking.


In addition to the work of Hermann von Helmholtz and Eduard Zeller, early fruits of the movement were Kuno Fischer's works on Kant and Friedrich Albert Lange's History of Materialism (Geschichte des Materialismus), the latter of which argued that transcendental idealism superseded the historic struggle between material idealism and mechanistic materialism.

Nine magazine

August–September–October 2006 - school fashion, metabolism, characteristics guys look for in girls, healthy cafeteria choices, resolving conflict in relationships, coping with pushy parents, materialism, must-hear artists (Dropping Daylight, Mars ILL, Krystal Meyers, Anathallo), upcoming TV season, time management, improving sleep habits, reader's art gallery

Philosophy in the Soviet Union

Lenin's most important philosophical rival was Alexander Bogdanov (1873-1928), who tried to synthesize Marxism with the philosophies of Ernst Mach, Wilhelm Ostwald, and Richard Avenarius (which were violently criticized in Materialism and Empiriocriticism).

Popes during the Age of Revolution

The pope's primary purpose was to obtain confirmation of the position he had taken in his Syllabus of Errors (1864), condemning a wide range of positions associated with rationalism, liberalism, and materialism.


She is pictured as a harlot, akin to the whore of Babylon, and figures alongside Blake's character of Tirzah, as representing materialism, false religion, and fallen sexuality.

S. Debono

In this context, Debono reveals his dislike of philosophical materialism, particularly that proposed by Spinoza, Schelling and Cousin.

Sailing to Byzantium

Cleanth Brooks asks whether, in this poem, Yeats chooses idealism or materialism and answers his own question, "Yeats chooses both and neither. One cannot know the world of being save through the world of becoming (though one must remember that the world of becoming is a meaningless flux aside from the world of being which it implies)".

Santa Claus: A Morality

In the play, Santa Claus deals with the increasing materialism and lust for knowledge around him and becomes consumed by it because of Death.

Tin Pei Ling

A widely circulated Facebook photo of Tin posing with a Kate Spade-branded gift from her husband, also led to widespread accusations online of ignorance, materialism and privilege.

see also