
unusual facts about Spinoza


Baruch Spinoza |

Constantin Brunner

According to Brunner, the authentic philosophy presented by Spinoza has its antithesis in scholasticism which reaches its highest expression in Immanuel Kant.

Documentary hypothesis

Others, including Isaac de la Peyrère, Baruch Spinoza, Richard Simon, and John Hampden came to the same conclusion, but their works were condemned, several of them were imprisoned and forced to recant, and an attempt was made on Spinoza's life.

Guo Moruo

His studies at this time focused on foreign language and literature, namely the works of: Spinoza, Goethe, Walt Whitman, and the Bengali poet Tagore.

Harry Austryn Wolfson

He is best known for his seminal work on the Jewish philosopher Philo, but was the author of an astonishing variety and quantity of other works on Crescas, Maimonides, Averroes, Spinoza, the Kalam, the Church Fathers, and the foundations of Western religion.

Karnatakada Haridasaru

He supports his views with relevant citations from the writings of eminent thinkers like Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Locke, Berkeley and others.

Manuel Joël

He showed how Albertus Magnus derived some of his ideas from Maimonides and how Spinoza was indebted to the same writer, as well as to Hasdai Crescas.

Opera Posthuma

Baruch Spinoza's Opera Posthuma comprise his works that were published posthumously in 1677, the year of Spinoza's death, by some of his closest friends.

Four of these are well known: the Ethica, the Tractatus Politicus, the Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione, and the Epistolae (letters by Spinoza to correspondents, expounding aspects of his philosophy).

S. Debono

In this context, Debono reveals his dislike of philosophical materialism, particularly that proposed by Spinoza, Schelling and Cousin.

Silvia Berti

Her field of interest is European anti-Christian attitudes, Spinoza and Spinozism, the Huguenots, Jansenists and other opposition groups within French history.

T. K. Seung

In a comparative examination of the thematic content of Goethe’s Faust, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, and Wagner’s Ring, Seung elucidates how the understanding of Spinoza’s pantheistic naturalism, its inspirational background and influences on European philosophy and literature, is indispensable for the understanding of the development and conditions of modern times.

Treatise of the Three Impostors

According to historian Silvia Berti, the book was originally published as La Vie et L'Esprit de Spinosa (The Life and Spirit of Spinoza),containing both a biography of Benedict Spinoza and the anti-religious essay, and was later republished under the title Traité sur les trois imposteurs.

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