Warsaw | mayor | Mayor | Mayor of New York City | Lord Mayor of London | University of Warsaw | Warsaw Pact | Warsaw Uprising | Lord Mayor | Mayor of Chicago | Warsaw Ghetto | Mayor of London | Lord Mayor of Dublin | Warsaw University of Technology | Legia Warsaw | Duchy of Warsaw | Mayor of the Palace | Warsaw Metro | Warsaw, Missouri | Warsaw School of Economics | Mayor of Pichilemu | Mayor of Los Angeles | Lord Mayor of Belfast | Planned destruction of Warsaw | Mayor of San Francisco | Adrienne Mayor | Warsaw, Virginia | Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia | Mayor of Manila | John Phillips (mayor) |
He was the mayor of Warsaw (1789–1790), during which period he organized the Black Procession on 2 December 1789 (a march of burghers who delivered a petition to the king).
Former mayor of Warsaw and current Member of the European Parliament Paweł Piskorski while sampling the wares at Kurowski's, one of the numerous Polish delicatessens in the area, declared that the sausage shop's kielbasa was better than any he'd had in his own home city.
The markers were built between April and November 2008 and were inaugurated on 19 November 2008 by the mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz.
Warsaw Filters were founded by the Mayor of Warsaw, Russian general Sokrates Starynkiewicz (Russian - Сократ Старинкевич).