He started his study at Imperial University of Warsaw (with a Russian–language) in 1879, and moved to ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) in 1884.
Elżbieta (Teresa Marczewska), a woman in her forties, who is from New York but speaks excellent Polish and is clearly of Polish descent, is visiting the University of Warsaw.
This gave him a certain notoriety abroad & in 1916 he was given a chair in Experimental Psychology at the University of Warsaw, which he occupied until his death.
In the next two years he studied theoretical physics in a secret underground (Poles were forbidden to study past the elementary level during the German occupation) university organized by the University of Warsaw.
He sang as a boy in Warsaw's cathedral and later studied law at the city's university; but after a few years he abandoned his legal training and went to Milan in Italy to study voice.
In 1954, Plebański received his Ph.D. under the direction of Wojciech Rubinowicz at the University of Warsaw.
Similar to other young veterans of the war who entered university without their Matura graduation, also Mackiewicz started his favourite subject of biological sciences at the University of Warsaw and then upon moving to Vilnius continued studies at the Vilnius University, but he never graduated with a degree.
Born in Warsaw (then in Russian Empire), he was educated in a high school gymnasium and graduated in Law Faculty at the Imperial University of Warsaw (Императорский Варшавский Университет) in 1886.
In 1934, Salomon Salit, a Jewish PhD student in agrarian economics at the University of Warsaw, published a dissertation about Kolonja Izaaka.
The Kołos Medal is a prestigious medal awarded every 2 years by the University of Warsaw and the Polish Chemical Society for distinction in theoretical or experimental physical chemistry.
Born in Grodzisk Mazowiecki (then part of the Russian Empire, today Poland, Bentov studied law for two years at the University of Warsaw and was one of the founding members and leaders of Hashomer Hatzair in Poland.
Sneh attended high school in Poland before studying natural sciences, mathematics and medicine at the University of Warsaw, gaining an MD in 1935.
Poplawski received his M.S. degree in astronomy from the University of Warsaw (1999) and his Ph.D. degree in physics from Indiana University (2004).
The station will be near the intersection of Świętokrzyska and Nowy Świat street, as well as the location of the main campus of the University of Warsaw.
They observed 50 million stars in our galaxy using the 1.8 meter MOA-II telescope at New Zealand's Mount John Observatory and the 1.3 meter University of Warsaw telescope at Chile's Las Campanas Observatory.
His father was Krystyn Lach Szyrma, a Polish professor of philosophy who abandoned his teaching position at the University of Warsaw and expatriated c.
Warsaw | Harvard University | Columbia University | Yale University | University of Paris | New York University | Stanford University | Princeton University | University of Cambridge | University of Pennsylvania | University of Michigan | University of Chicago | University of California, Berkeley | University of Toronto | Cornell University | University of Oxford | University of London | University of Oslo | Cambridge University | University of Southern California | McGill University | Johns Hopkins University | Northwestern University | University of California | Brown University | University of Queensland | University of Minnesota | University of Washington | University of Notre Dame | University College London |
She is a graduate of librarianship and information science from the University of Warsaw and worked in the library and publishing house of Warsaw University of Technology, and then the Publishing School of Economics.
There followed a quick succession of professorates, with rapid promotion: Professor of Latin at Bucharest’s Nifon Seminary (1937–38); New Testament Professor at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of Orthodox Theology (1938–39), where he replaced the celebrated professor Nicolae Arseniev.
At the Sorbonne she was awarded a Masters Degree in Art History (1984) and she then studied for a Doctorate in Art History at the University of Warsaw.
In 1991 she graduated from Arts High School and began Polish studies at the University of Warsaw.
Sikorski was born in Zurich, but studied in Warsaw, first music at the Warsaw Conservatory and then philosophy at the University of Warsaw.
Konrad Eduardovich Wagner (rus. Конрад Эдуардович Вагнер, July 17, 1862, Praszka – after 1948, Kalisz) was a Russian-Polish physician, professor of the University of Kiev, University of Moscow, Taurida University of Simferopol and University of Warsaw.
Major deployments have been for network-intensive and memory-intensive applications (as opposed to FLOPS-intensive), such as weather & climate modeling (ECMWF, UKMO, Environment Canada, Japan Meteorological Agency), and scientific research (University of Warsaw, Slovak Academy of Sciences, and several other government laboratories in the U.S., and other countries).
They are organized by various institutions of the University of Warsaw, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) was established in 1962 by William M. Evan (University of Pennsylvania) and Adam Podgórecki (University of Warsaw), with the support of Renato Treves (University of Milan) during the Congress of the International Sociological Association (ISA), which was held in Weshington D. C. Treves was elected as the first president of the RCSL, Podgórecki as the vice-president and Evan as the Secretary.
During his studies, he was arrested as a subversive for having a copy of Das Kapital in his possession, and was expelled from the University of Warsaw, but later re-admitted.
In 1948 she organized the Department of Musicology at the University of Warsaw and from 1958-75 served as its director.