
unusual facts about microfinance

Annette Brooke

In May 2005, she met Hollywood actress Natalie Portman to discuss the microfinance charity, FINCA International, and their joint plans to help the world's poorest people become self-sufficient.

Gregory F. Casagrande

Gregory F. Casagrande is an American businessman and the founder of South Pacific Business Development Microfinance Network, the leading microfinance institution in

Ingrid Munro

Ingrid Munro founded and manages Jamii Bora, a microfinance organization based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Loan-a Lisa

Meanwhile, Lisa decides to donate her $50 to charity, but an online introduction to microfinance and a video from Muhammad Yunus prompt her to use the money to support a local business instead.

Mary Ellen Iskenderian

Iskenderian has spoken widely on microfinance at Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Wharton and at numerous industry and banking forums including the annual conference of Cercle des économistes, the Council on Foreign Relations, the IDB Foromic and the Microcredit Summit.

Microfinance Focus

The online publication has also interviewed several Microfinance leaders including Muhammad Yunus, Princess Maxima, Vikram Akula, Sam Daley Harris, John Hatch, Nachiket Mor etc.


Advocates of microfranchising include Jason Fairbourne, Steve Gibson, and other faculty and students at the Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management, who have also been involved in microcredit, microfinance, and other microenterprise development activities.

Peter Greer

Upon graduation, Greer spent two years in the business sector before World Relief hired him to work as a microfinance adviser in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Peter Keith Greer (born 1975) is a Christian advocate for the poor, an author, and the president of HOPE International (HOPE), a global faith-based microfinance organization based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, serving entrepreneurs throughout Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe.

Vikram Akula

Vikram Akula is the founder and former chairperson of SKS Microfinance, an organization that offers microloans and insurance to poor women in impoverished areas of India.

see also