In 1980, at the request of the Postulator of the cause, the remains were transferred to the chapel of the General Motherhouse of the congregation in Broadstairs, Kent.
The number of monasteries in France has been reduced to two: the motherhouse in Brou-sur-Chantereine, and another in Saint-James, a village in Normandy.
In 1933 they were able to open their first monastery, St. Joseph Priory, in the town of Brou-sur-Chantereine, near Paris, which now serves as the motherhouse of the congregation.
In 1622 the motherhouse was transferred to the Saint-Honoré, where a new monastery and church were built, the latter being dedicated to the Assumption of Mary, from which the religious were thenceforth called Daughters of the Assumption.
In the Hussite Wars, the Taborites killed the pastor of St. Stephen's at Prague, and the Hussites destroyed the motherhouse.
In the 1910s, besides the motherhouse at Prague, there were about 26 incorporated parishes, and 85 professed members, several of whom are engaged in gymnasia and the University of Prague.
From their motherhouse in Germantown, New York, the Carmelite Sisters serve in 18 elder-care facilities around the country, plus one in Ireland.
The architect was Hadfield & Son and the building was modelled on the Motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity at 140 Rue du Bac in Paris.
Because it includes the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, the Internal Revenue Service recognizes 45051 as the eighth most generous ZIP code in the United States, with residents giving 41.50% of their net income to charity.
The motherhouse was at the Convent of Our Lady of Victory on the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, adjacent to the Church of Our Lady of Good Success.
Dr. Wittmann was also largely instrumental in the founding of a motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity and of a hospice and home for workmen under the direction of the Capuchins.
Membership of the congregation is now reduced to 16, all above pension age, living in four communities within the French region of Finistère, with two houses in Brest, one in Quimper, and the motherhouse in Guipavas.
The Motherhouse of the new congregation was established in the London suburb of Chigwell, from which the Sisters are popularly known in England.