
unusual facts about negotiations


Air Tanzania

On 21 November 2011, Air Tanzania began negotiations with Export Development Canada (EDC) to explore how EDC could assist the airline to acquire more aircraft from Bombardier, a Canadian airplane manufacturer.

Amrita Narlikar

She is the editor of "Deadlocks in Multilateral Negotiations: Causes and Solutions" (Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Anna Phersönernas moder

Curatus Petrus is mentioned in his office in 1526, when he acted on the behalf of king Gustav Vasa during negotiations in Sala.

Baldomero Espartero, Prince of Vergara

In 1839 Espartero carefully opened up negotiations with Maroto and the principal Carlist chiefs of the Basque provinces.

Battle of Qarabagh

He was obliged to negotiate the borders of his state with Abu Sa'id Mirza and after negotiations Jahan Shah decided to return territorial demarcation to Shahrukh Mirza's times (Jahan Shah keeping Iraq-i-Ajam while Abu Sa'id keeping Khurasan).

Bernard Gascoigne

In 1672 Gascoigne was sent to Vienna as English envoy to conduct the negotiations for a marriage of James, Duke of York with Claudia Felicitas of Austria, daughter of Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria.

Boniface I, Marquess of Montferrat

There were numerous skirmishes and raids, including at Ricaldone and Caranzano, but by 1199 it was clear the war was lost, and Boniface entered into negotiations.

Boudewijn Bouckaert

After the dismissal of Jean-Marie Dedecker from the VLD, Hugo Coveliers, Dedecker and Boudewijn Bouckaert (and other Nova Civitas members) started negotiations to form a new right wing liberal party.

Burkhard Christoph von Münnich

Due to the heavy losses, the campaign was paused again while conducting negotiations in Nemirov (Podolie) without much result.

Charles Ancillon

In 1687 Ancillon was appointed head of the so-called Academie des nobles, the principal educational establishment of the state; later on, as councillor of embassy, he took part in the negotiations which led to the assumption of the title of "King in Prussia" by the elector.

Conference of London

Bekir Sami Kunduh, representative of Ankara, insisted that the delegate from Istanbul could not enter the negotiations, and rejected the use of Sêvres as the basis of the talks.

Friday the 13th mini-crash

The UAL deal unraveled because the Association of Flight Attendants pulled out of the deal when management, in negotiations over an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) designed to fund the leveraged buyout, refused to agree to terms equivalent to those negotiated with other labor groups.

Gas Exporting Countries Forum

In May 2006 Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev threatened that Russia would create "an alliance of gas suppliers that will be more influential than OPEC" if Russia did not get its way in energy negotiations with Europe.

Gebhard Truchsess von Waldburg

Living in the Netherlands, they became acquainted with Elizabeth's envoy, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, and entered into lengthy negotiations with Elizabeth's Court to obtain support for his cause; these efforts failed to garner assistance for renewing the war either from the English queen or in any other quarter.

Gerry Parsky

Chairman Parsky oversaw the Regents’ governance of the University, including oversight and negotiations on behalf of the U.S. nuclear labs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, student admissions, expansion of the U.C. Merced campus, as well as budget and fiscal issues, including pension plans for the faculty and staff.

Gollub War

A new, but futile, round of negotiations started in May 1419 in Gniewków with papal legate Bartholomew Capri, archbishop of Milan, as mediator.

Gustavo Gonzalez

As peace-building adviser, Gonzalez took part in relevant peace negotiations in Africa, including the Lusaka Protocol for the Angolan peace process (1994); the Bangui Peace Accord for Central African Republic (1997), the Dar es Salaam Accord for the Demilitarization of the Ituri in DRC (2004) and the Pretoria Talks for the Burundi peace-building process (April 2009).

Hans Island

This was never signed; however, Canadian John Munro, at that time Minister for Northern Affairs and Development, and Danish Tom Høyem, at that time Minister for Greenland, agreed, in common interest, to avoid acts that might prejudice future negotiations.

Independent Energy Partners

On March 1, 2006, IEP concluded negotiations with Battelle Memorial Institute, the operator of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, for development of the Geothermic Fuel Cell prototype and in September 2008, they signed agreements for modeling, analysis, design and engineering to commercialize this technology and related applications.

Irish Medical Organisation

Today the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) is the sole negotiating body on behalf of all doctors in Ireland, recognised for negotiating purposes under the Trade Union Act 1941, though the IHCA also represents consultant grades in official negotiations with the Health Service Executive HSE and the Department of Health.

Jacob Heerbrand

During the negotiations of the Tübingen theologians with Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople, it was translated by Martin Crusius into Greek, and circulated to Constantinople, Alexandria, Greece, and Asia Minor.

Jan Rokita

When the negotiations for the future European constitution started in the end of 2003, he coined the slogan: "Nicea o muerte – Nicea albo śmierć" ((Treaty of) Nice or death), which was more or less the official position of the Polish delegation.

Johann Gottlieb Naumann

In 1777, as a result of negotiations by Swedish diplomat Count Löwenhjelm, Naumann was appointed to reform the Stockholm Hovkapell and assist King Gustavus III in his opera plans.

Joseph Daul

Finally, in 2005 and 2006, he and Socialist MEP Richard Corbett were Parliament's representatives for a new round of negotiations with the Council and Commission on comitology, giving Parliament, for the first time, the right to block the adoption of Commission implementing measures.


In February 2013, Juki and Sony Corp. entered negotiations to discuss a merger of their SMT equipment businesses.

K. N. Govindacharya

Govindacharya foresaw the disastrous impact of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negotiations and the prospects of World Trade Organization (WTO).

Karine A Affair

Lieutenant General Shaul Mofaz, chief of staff of the Israeli Army, announced in a Tel Aviv news conference on January 4 that the army had seized the ship while General Anthony Zinni was meeting with Yasser Arafat to promote negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Katayama Cabinet

Under the new constitution, the prime minister was no longer selected by the Emperor, but elected by the Diet, "before the conduct of any other business" – and the Socialists pushed for an early vote to prevent the other two major parties from excluding them from a ruling coalition: on May 23, Socialist Tetsu Katayama was elected almost unopposed (420 votes of 426 present in the House of Representatives, 205 of 207 in the House of Councillors) while the coalition negotiations were still in progress.

Kawasaki Motors Racing

After negotiations with DORNA, Kawasaki provided a scaled down team named Hayate Racing Team for the 2009 season.

Lajos Kósa

He participated in the tripartite political negotiations and the Opposition Round Table discussions in 1989.

Luttif Afif

After tense negotiations, the hostage crisis ended after 21 hours with a bungled ambush on the hostage takers at Fürstenfeldbruck airbase outside of Munich.

Manchester Carriage and Tramways Company

When the Tramways Act 1870 became law, the neighbouring councils of Manchester and Salford entered into negotiations for the provision of a tramway connecting the two towns.

Marco Tulio Boasso

In addition, he served as the IOM delegate to negotiations on the operational agreement on the return of internally displaced people in Darfur, in the context of the Darfur Plan of Action agreed between the UN and the Khartoum Government.

Martin Ferguson

Both the other candidates, Jenny Mikakos and Theo Theophanous, then members of competing Left factions, were forced to withdraw from a local preselection plebiscite in favour of Ferguson, as a result of these negotiations.

Michael L. Shakman v. Democratic Organization of Cook County

The case resulted in negotiations from 1969-1983 that brought to fruition The Shakman Decrees, largely reducing Political corruption in the Chicago government.

Michigan Condensed Milk Factory

Hopkins successfully completed negotiations, and Borden constructed this creamery, designed by William D. Kyser, Superintendent of the Borden Creamery in Fairport, New York in Mount Pleasant.


The rivalry started in the 1960s when Olympiacos tried, and failed, to sign Giorgos Koudas, one of the best players of his time, from P.A.O.K., through direct negotiations with the player.

Peter the Patrician

In this capacity, he was one of the leading ministers of Emperor Justinian I (r. 527–565), playing an important role in the Byzantine emperor's religious policies and the relations with Sassanid Persia; most notably he led the negotiations for the peace agreement of 562 that ended the 20-year long Lazic War.

Russian colonization of the Americas

Eager to release themselves of the burden, the Russians sold Fort Ross in 1842, and in 1867, after less than a month of negotiations, the United States accepted Emperor Alexander II's offer to sell Alaska.

Ryan's Law

Sen. Joel Lourie (D-Columbia) played an instrumental role in arranging negotiations between those in favor of the bill and those representing the insurance companies, and in furthering discussions during intense deadline pressure.


The cease-fire negotiations between Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and the Iraqi delegation led by Lt Gen Sultan Hashim Ahmad took place in Safwan.

Skymark Airlines

On 8 November 2010 Skymark announced negotiations with Airbus for an order of four Airbus A380 aircraft and two options, making it the first Japanese airline to order the type.

St Joseph's Industrial School, Letterfrack

The school was initially certified for 75 boys and the Archbishop entered into negotiations with the Christian Brothers.

The Shakshuka System

The metaphor made during the film by the Israeli lawyer Ram Caspi, whom represented the Israel Corporation (controlled by the Ofer Brothers Group) in the negotiations over the acquisition of the government shares in Zim.

Treaty of Versailles

Negotiations between the Allied powers started on 18 January in the Salle de l'Horloge at the French Foreign Ministry, on the Quai d'Orsay in Paris.

TV Avala

In mid October 2012, after two months of negotiations, Saša Popović, the owner of Grand Production, and Željko Mitrović agreed to purchase the controlling stake in TV Avala.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478

In remarks made to the Council, then-U.S. Secretary of State Edmund Muskie said "The question of Jerusalem must be addressed in the context of negotiations for a comprehensive, just and lasting Middle East peace."

William Usery, Jr.

Usery was responsible for leading labor negotiations and helping to administer and service union contracts at Cape Canaveral AFMTC, John F. Kennedy Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center Manned Spacecraft Center.

Wilmot Proviso

Congressman David Wilmot first introduced the Proviso in the United States House of Representatives on August 8, 1846, as a rider on a $2,000,000 appropriations bill intended for the final negotiations to resolve the Mexican–American War (this was only three months into the two-year war).

see also