
unusual facts about nerve agent

Al-Anfal Campaign

:b) the widespread use of chemical weapons, including mustard gas and the nerve agent GB, or sarin, against the town of Halabja as well as dozens of Kurdish villages, killing many thousands of people, mainly women and children;

Project SHAD

Nerve agents and chemicals include, but are not limited to, VX nerve gas, Tabun gas, Sarin, Soman, and the marker chemicals zinc cadmium sulfide, and QNB.


Soman (O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate), an extremely toxic substance that is one of the world's most dangerous nerve agents.

United States and weapons of mass destruction

After the war, the Allies recovered German artillery shells containing three new nerve agents developed by the Germans (Tabun, Sarin, and Soman), prompting further research into nerve agents by all of the former Allies.

see also

Germany and weapons of mass destruction

The use of tabun was opposed by Hitler's Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer, who, in 1943, brought IG Farben's nerve agent expert Otto Ambros to report to Hitler.