So the cheerleaders turn to their arch social enemies, the computer geeks, to help them learn Ninja abilities and defeat the evil Catholic Girls, Stephen and the mysterious Mr. X.
The school was founded in 1986 in Jerusalem by a senior instructor of Doron Navon, the first non Japanese Shihan in Bujinkan Ninjutsu school.
The history and mythology surrounding ninjutsu and kayakujutsu are similar to the history of chemistry and the mythology surrounding Alchemy.
Following the advice of his teacher, he went out and immersed himself in arts from all over the world; karate, muay Thai, Chinese martial arts, capoeira, western boxing, kali, taekwondo and ninjutsu.
For three years he practiced ninjutsu, but he did not know if he would feel like continuing in the sport.
Stephen K. Hayes (born 1949), American, founder of To-Shin Do, 10th dan ninjutsu instructor and member of BlackBelt Hall of Fame
In retribution for the violation of Tōkeiji Temple and those who she had taken under her care, Princess Sen sends a message to the famous monk Takuan Sōhō to locate one person who can train the seven Hori women in the arts of ninjutsu to seek their revenge.