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Mankind is recovering from hundreds of years of chaos and nuclear war, and civilization is being rebuilt by the Great King, who harnesses the power of eight jewels.
"Bad Times" lyrically touches sensitive topic, including unemployment, child sexual abuse, AIDS, Salvadoran Civil War and even nuclear war, in contrast to uptempo synth-funk melody and soulful vocals.
When he discovers that they had been killed in a traffic collision, he takes over their immediate task of sabotaging the launch of an orbital missile platform by the United States to prevent nuclear war on Earth.
He was best known as co-author with Eugene Burdick of Fail-Safe, 1962, an early cold war novel that depicted what could easily go wrong in an age on the verge of nuclear war.
The year 2079 AD saw the realisation of Mankind's ultimate nightmare: an all-out nuclear war exterminates a quarter of the world's population almost instantly.
Kritiks of such things as biopower, militarism, and capitalism often argue that the indicted concept justifies nuclear war, genocide, and totalitarianism.
In 1972, Micronesian Representative Ataji Balos charged at the Congress of Micronesia that the exposure during Bravo was purposeful so that the AEC could develop medical capabilities for treating those exposed to fallout during nuclear war, and charged that the Marshallese were chosen because of their marginal status in the world at large.
A year after the Castle Bravo test, Akira Kurosawa examined one person's unreasoning terror of radiation and nuclear war in his 1955 film I Live in Fear.
In Operation Dismantle v. The Queen (1985), cruise missile testing was unsuccessfully challenged as violating security of the person for risking nuclear war.
Harry Dobbs is a family man obsessed with surviving a nuclear war.
By the explosions of global nuclear war, society has broken up into nine small expulsions, one of them disappeared and Venus collided with another celestial object.
Her crew goes slowly insane due to exposure to chemicals in paint onboard and believes a missile test exercise is, in fact, nuclear war.
Sirius invites them all to travel back to his home where they will be safe from the dangers of nuclear war on Earth, not to mention the whims and potential abuse of humans.
NATO's decision to deploy a new generation of strategic nuclear warheads in Europe and U.S. President Ronald Reagan's planned military buildup program signaled the end of detente, a return to heightened Cold War tensions, and renewed fears of nuclear war.
Many historians, such as Robert Cowley and John Lewis Gaddis, believe the Able Archer incident was the closest the world has come to nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
Bertrand Russell urged control of nuclear weapons in the 'forties and early 'fifties to avoid the likelihood of a general nuclear war, and felt hopeful when the Baruch Proposal was made.
Subjects include the aerospace program, the eventual fate of humanity, attitudes toward life, death, nuclear war and historical fiction set at the dawn of the Jazz Age.
The plans for this meter were published in Appendix C of Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny from research performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Several songs on the album Red Skies Over Paradise in 1981, such as "Berlin" and "Red Skies Over Paradise" were about the Cold War and the song "Cruise Missiles" was about the nuclear arms race and the mutual threat of the superpowers with nuclear war.
In a 1962 speech to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, McNamara announced that the U.S. would refrain from striking Countervalue targets (cities) early in nuclear war, reserving such force later in war should the Soviets not show similar restraint.
In March 1950, Ramage went to Sandia Base, where he was assigned to the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), writing and reviewing nuclear war plans.
The last track "What a Wonderful World" is a parody of Louis Armstrong's hit, with the lyrics perverted into an observation of nuclear war.
Owing to his concern about the threat of nuclear war, he played a leading role in the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs.
Spies for Peace, a group of anti-war activists associated with CND and the Committee of 100 who publicized government preparations for rule after a nuclear war.
Nuclear War MUD is an LPMud running on the MudOS game driver and a custom mudlib once based on the LPMud 2.4.5 lib.
The other "substantial" book, Life After Doomsday: A Survivalist Guide to Nuclear War and Other Major Disasters by Bruce D. Clayton, itself is stated to praise and borrow from Nuclear War Survival Skills.
Nuclear War Survival Skills or NWSS, by Cresson Kearny, is a civil defense manual.
Nuclear War Survival Skills was released into the public domain by the author, and is available in digital format for free from several sources online.
Victoria O'Keefe (1969-1990) — stage and film actor best known for playing nuclear war survivor Jane Beckett in made-for-TV movie "Threads" (1984).
The story is told from the point of view of Yassa Povey, a young boy living in the Cursed Earth, a radioactive desert in post-nuclear war America where the whole story takes place.
Taylor was a supporter of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, one of whose arguments was that an unintended war brought about by accident could cause a nuclear war and the end of human civilisation.
In the 1994 film True Lies, Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Harry Tasker calls a "Bright Boy Alert" for the impending detonation of a stolen Russian warhead on U.S. soil by terrorists, although this presumably should be termed a "Broken Arrow" event since it involves a nuclear incident unlikely to result in nuclear war.