
2 unusual facts about unemployment


Literally meaning "peeled" (barren, bleak, or exposed), the term referred to the penniless urban slum-dwellers, uprooted from the countryside and un- and under-employed.

Rate of unemployment

Unemployment, a state of searching for a job without currently having one.

2010 student protests

2010 student protest in Dublin, a demonstration opposing a proposed increase in university registration fees, further cuts to the student maintenance grant and increasing graduate unemployment and emigration levels from Ireland

Administrative services organization

:Payroll services include- W-2 processing, tax filing services, direct deposit, wage garnishment, new hire reporting, standard & custom reports, HRIS, expense reporting, employee time & attendance, paycards, pay as you go workers comp, 401(k) administration, & unemployment Cost Control.


Unemployment in Dundee was at a high level, and this worsened when the Timex factory, located next to Ardler and an employer of many Ardler residents, closed in 1993.

Beezus Quimby

However, in Ramona and her Father, Beezus adopts a grouchier attitude because of her father's unemployment, albeit toward the ending of the book her mood is enlightened a bit as a result of her selection to portray the Blessed Virgin Mary in the upcoming Nativity play.

Benny Rothman

During a period of unemployment, with the help of a bicycle salvaged from spare parts, he discovered the nearby wilderness regions of the Peak District and North Wales.

Captain Rapp

"Bad Times" lyrically touches sensitive topic, including unemployment, child sexual abuse, AIDS, Salvadoran Civil War and even nuclear war, in contrast to uptempo synth-funk melody and soulful vocals.

Copeland Report

This report became the blueprint for forestry in President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and had its beginnings in a senatorial discussion of unemployment, where reforestation might be a source for jobs.

Dennis M. Lynch

On July 4, 2013, Dennis Michael Lynch appeared on a special episode of Hannity titled "The Cost of Amnesty" in which he and Sean Hannity, among other guests, discussed Lynch's latest movie They Come to America II: The Cost of Amnesty as well as the recent passage of the "Pathway to Citizenship" bill in the United States Senate, terrorism, and unemployment.

Dennis Snower

As part of his research career, he originated the insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment with Assar Lindbeck, the theory of high-low search with Steve Alpern, and the chain reaction theory of unemployment and the theory of frictional growth with Marika Karanassou and Hector Sala.

Domestic violence in Iran

A World Health Organization (WHO) study in Babol found that within the previous year 15.0% of wives had been physically abused, 42.4% had been sexually abused and 81.5% had been psychologically abused (to various degrees) by their husbands, blaming low income, young age, unemployment and low education.

Economic abuse

The Survivors’ Empowerment and Economic Security Act was introduced by the 110th United States Congress to the Senate (S. 1136) and House of Representatives (H.R. 2395) to allow for greater economic freedom for domestic violence victims by providing short-term emergency benefits where needed, guaranteeing employment leave and unemployment compensation, and prohibit insurance restriction or job discrimination to domestic violence victims.

Edmond Malinvaud

Malinvaud's main contribution to macroeconomics is represented in his slim 1977 book, Theory of Unemployment Reconsidered which provided a clear and unified reconstruction of dynamic "disequilibrium" macroeconomics; this theory built on previous results of Clower, Leijonhufvud, and "Non-Walrasian" theory.

Gare de Bellegarde-sur-Valserine

The introduction of TGV services to Bellegarde-sur-Valserine on 22 September 1981, the completion of the autoroutes from Lyon to Geneva and the opening of the Mont Blanc Tunnel all greatly improved access to Bellegarde, enabling the town to develop through industrial restructuring which allowed Bellegarde to maintain unemployment below the national average.

Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal

While no charges were filed, the United States chapter, led by Seagram heir Jeffrey Bronfman, filed suit claiming that the seizure was an illegal violation of the church members' rights; they claimed their usage was permitted under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a law passed by Congress in direct response to the Employment Division v. Smith (1990) ruling, in which the Court ruled that unemployment benefits could be denied to two Native Americans fired for using Peyote.


One more recent cause of unemployment was the downsizing of the General Electric Tungsram plant (due to new economic options the company was exploring in China).

History of Grand Forks, North Dakota

Recent issues the city is facing include the Spring 2007 opening of a $50 million Canad Inns hotel and water park complex located adjacent to the Alerus Center, the impact of a realignment at Grand Forks Air Force Base, and economic growth coupled with a low unemployment rate.

History of the Republic of Singapore

During Lee Kuan Yew's term as prime minister from 1959 to 1990, his administration curbed unemployment, raised the standard of living and implemented a large-scale public housing programme.

Howard Antony

During his four years in the soap Antony's character weathered unemployment, an affair, the break-up and reconciliation of his relationship with Carol Jackson (Lindsay Coulson), and finally left in a dramatic exit following the kidnapping of his on-screen son, Billy (Devon Anderson).

Ingvar Carlsson

Together with Minister for Finance Kjell-Olof Feldt, the government turned a budget deficit of 90 billions SEK to a surplus of a few hundred billion SEK, which led to large investments and record low unemployment.

Inspiral Carpets

After a handful of singles on their own label, the last of which, "Move", came close to the UK top 40, they signed a deal with Mute Records, and immediately had their first top 40 chart success in the UK with "This Is How It Feels", which is a song about unemployment and touches on themes of domestic violence.

Interwar unemployment and poverty in the United Kingdom

The Special Areas Act of 1934 attempted to inject finance into depressed areas and British industry was protected by protectionist measures such as state subsidies and import quotas.The 1934 Unemployment Act Part I increased the numbers covered by unemployment insurance and the Special Areas Act 1934 increased support for those areas of Britain which were considered to be worst hit by the depression.

Involuntary unemployment

Following earlier disequilibrium research including that of Robert Barro and Herschel Grossman, work by Edmund Malinvaud clarified the distinction between classical unemployment, where real wages are too high for markets to clear, and Keynesian unemployment, involuntary unemployment due to inadequate aggregate demand.

Jack Carl Greenburg

On January 29, 1940, Governor Culbert Olson called the Legislature into Special Session to deal with a myriad of issues, including the unemployment problem in Depression-era California.

Jacques Drèze

Following a joint paper by Drèze and Sneessens (71), a major project (the European Unemployment Program) directed by Jacques Drèze and Richard Layard led to estimation of a common disequilibrium model in ten countries (B4, 93, 94).

Roberts, J. (1987), "An equilibrium model with involuntary unemployment at flexible, competitive prices and wages", American Economic Review 77, 856-74.

Joseph M. Keegan

Keegan lost his Senate reelection bid in 1967 after supporting an unpopular bill to provide unemployment benefits for certain striking workers, at the behest of then-Governor Richard J. Hughes.

Laurent Fabius

The Fabius Government's inability to prevent both rising unemployment and inequality arguably contributed to the defeat of the French Socialists in the 1986 legislative election, which led Fabius to step down as prime minister.

Marie Jahoda

Together with her husband Paul Lazarsfeld and Hans Zeisel, she wrote a now-classic study of the social impact of unemployment on a small community: Die Arbeitslosen von Marienthal (1932; English ed. 1971 - Marienthal: the sociography of an unemployed community - paperback by Transaction Publishers in USA, 2002).

May Report

The committee was chaired by Sir George May, and its main conclusions were extensive public sector spending cuts, including a cut to the unemployment benefit, and increased taxation.


In a letter to Larry Young, President and CEO of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) expressed his concern that “with unemployment in the Rochester area nearly 10 percent, the ongoing labor shortage is not only harming the 305 workers of the RWDSU Local 200 who work in the facility, but can harm the entire Wayne County economy due to the facility's centrality to the regional and state apple market.

Plitvička Jezera

According to Human Rights Watch, many of the ethnic Serbian returnees were experiencing a higher unemployment rate, and were also being "excluded from work in municipal or town-run services and institutions, including the National Park".

Posted Workers Directive

The Directive came to prominence during the 2009 Lindsey Oil Refinery strikes after British workers at the Lindsey Oil Refinery in North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire claimed that they were being undercut by skilled foreign labour when the Italian construction contractor IREM appointed several hundred European (mainly Italian and Portuguese) contractors on the site at a time of high unemployment in the local and global economy.

Rafael Suissa

Between 1950 and 1960 he worked as director of an unemployment office in Yavne, and as for Amidar between 1950 and 1956.

Sir John Jarvis, 1st Baronet

The Depression caused a collapse in demand for ships, and the closure of Palmers shipyard in Jarrow, leading to 80% unemployment in the town.

Social disorganization theory

According to the Social Disorganization Theory there are ecological factors that lead to high rates of crime in these communities, and these factors linked to constantly elevated levels of "high school dropouts, unemployment, deteriorating infrastructures, and single-parent homes" (Gaines and Miller).

Steven Ciobo

He said turning Surfers Paradise into a world-class entertainment precinct to rival Las Vegas and Macau was the solution to save the Gold Coast from rising unemployment and economic doom.

Stockbridge Village

It was the subject of an article in a special report by The Economist entitled "A new kind of ghetto", which described it a predominantly White area of high unemployment and low aspirations.

Subsidized housing

Minford, Patrick; Ashton, Paul; Peel, Michael; The Housing Morass: regulation, immobility & unemployment, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1987.

Technological unemployment

They smashed knitting machines that embodied new labor-saving technology as a protest against unemployment, publicizing their actions in circulars mysteriously signed, "King Ludd".

Tsonko Tsonev

During his time as a mayor, Tsonev has not only brought bands like Heaven and Hell, Manowar, Deep Purple and Motörhead to the small Bulgarian resort town, but he has also radically reduced unemployment and has taken an active part in the development of the region's culture and infrastructure.

Unchained Memories

Created by the Federal Government to reduce unemployment during the 1930s, one component of the Federal Writers' Project involved interviews with thousands of former slaves in 17 states.

United States Department of Veterans Affairs

The new GI Bill authored by Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) doubled GI Bill college benefits while providing a 13-week extension to federal unemployment benefits.

Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Unemployment and urbanization throughout Central Africa have exacerbated the problem further by turning cities like the urban sprawl of Kinshasa into the prime market for bushmeat.

Youth Fight for Jobs

YFJ also marched from Merthyr Tydfil to Cardiff starting 4 August 2011 to highlight that Merthyr Tydfil had the fourth highest level of youth unemployment in Britain.

Youth unemployment

In 2005, the area around Moscow had an unemployment rate of just 1 percent while the Dagestan region had a rate over 22 percent.

see also