In 1978 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) external review panel noted that colloidal oatmeal was safe and effective for the symptomatic relief of dry skin and itching.
Another factor accounting for the premium may have been that Kraft's purchase was part of a rush by large food manufacturers such as General Mills, PepsiCo and the Adolph Coors Company to snap up well-established natural foods companies such as Cascadian Farm, Mother's Oatmeal and Blue Moon Beer respectively.
At its peak it produced oatmeal, bruised oats and hashed oats for an area extending from Montrose in the south to Barras and Catterline in the north and inland to Laurencekirk and Fordoun.
Various studies exist showing he continued to draw while in the army and a fellow soldier, years later in a letter to the artist’s widow, described mural decorations he painted for Christmas 1918 on the wall of a warehouse being used as a mess-hall in the deserted village of Auberchicourt, near Douai, using dry colours found in a builder’s yard mixed with ‘the glutinous substance you get from oatmeal porridge’.
Items observed in the diets of Ceuthophilus species include jelly, tuna, rancid liver, American cheese, pet food, oatmeal, wheat germ, peanut butter, molasses, wild fungi, persimmon, bread, dead and living insects, insect eggs, arachnids, dead bats, dead ring-tailed cats, and human feces.
A short list of these include Ohio City Oatmeal Stout, an IPA named Hop Madness (which was for a short period in 2010 known as Quitness as a jab at LeBron James defection to Miami) and Moondog ESB.
In the early 20th century, the company operated as many as nine mills but consolidation reduced that number to the current three flour mills in Dublin, Cork, and Portarlington and an oatmeal mill in Sallins.
Since the late 1980s, actor Wilford Brimley has appeared in television commercials extolling the virtues of oat consumption, typically to a young child, as to introduce the concept of oatmeal consumption as a long tradition.
The basic Royal Navy diet consisted of salted beef, salted pork, ship's biscuit, and oatmeal, supplemented with smaller quantities of peas, cheese and butter.
The Oatmeal has alleged that users on FunnyJunk, a content aggregator website, repeatedly infringed The Oatmeal's original content.