
unusual facts about occultation


The Occultation |

124 Alkeste

Only one stellar occultation by Alkeste has been observed, when the asteroid passed in front of the third magnitude star Beta Virginis on June 24, 2003.

Ashen light

Unfortunately the location needed to catch this almost perfect occultation was somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was only visible in this manner for 10 to 20 seconds.

Dawoodi Bohra

Following the imam's occultation, the Dai has served as the his temporal representatives on earth; the current (53rd) Dai is Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin.

Delta Geminorum

Wasat is only two-tenths of a degree south of the ecliptic, and therefore is occasionally occulted by the Moon and, more rarely, by a planet.

Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara

At Bologna, Novara was assisted by Copernicus, with whom he observed a lunar occultation of Aldebaran.

Eta Geminorum

The last occultation by a planet took place on July 27, 1910, by Venus, and the next to last on July 11, 1837, by Mercury.


Instead of spirit (Purusha) and nature (Prakriti), Kashmir Shaivism has five pure tattvas representing the Ultimate Reality and then six more representing the occultation process (maya) which translates the non-dual pure reality to time and space limited world and its subjects.


Of the brightest stars in the sky, Regulus is closest to the ecliptic, and is regularly occulted by the Moon.

The Catalogue of the Universe

Tycho returns home, where he uses the excuse of wanting to see the occultation of two of Jupiter's moons to get out of going to his sister's for a party that evening.

The Wimbledon Trilogy

He is also entrusted with the care of Hasan a blind pupil who is believed by the so-called 'twenty-fourthers' (cf. twelvers), a sect of the nizari ismailis, to be the twenty-fourth imam (cf. Twelfth Imam), whose occultation they eagerly await...

see also