
unusual facts about oceanographer

Alfred C. Redfield

Alfred Clarence Redfield (November 15, 1890 in Philadelphia – March 17, 1983 in Woods Hole) was an American oceanographer.

Antony Murray

He was the eldest son of Captain John Jock Challenger Murray and his wife, Cecilia (née Jerningham), and also grandson of Sir John Murray, the oceanographer.

Bjørn Helland-Hansen

Helland-Hansen trained Alexander Kuchin, the Russian oceanographer who went to Antarctica with Roald Amundsen.

Coral Magazine

Published bimonthly by Reef to Rainforest Media LLC in Charlotte, Vermont, Coral is edited by James M. Lawrence, with a board of advisors composed of prominent aquarium authors and marine scientists, including Dr. Andrew Bruckner of NOAA, Dr. Gerald R. Allen of Conservation International, Julian Sprung, and Dr. Sylvia Earle, oceanographer.

Drakes Estero

Conservationists, including L. Martin Griffin, Jr. and famed oceanographer Sylvia Earle have called for an end to the ongoing oyster farming in the estero.

Flow tracer

When 28,000 Friendly Floatees plastic ducks and other toys were washed overboard from a container ship in the Pacific Ocean in 1992, oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer used them for the calibration and verification of ocean current models.

Friendly Floatees

--where did "Friendly" come from? original package just says "Floatees"-->are plastic bath toys marketed by The First Years, Inc. and made famous by the work of Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer who models ocean currents on the basis of flotsam movements including those of a consignment of Friendly Floatees, containing 29,000 plastic yellow ducks, red beavers, blue turtles and green frogs, washed into the Pacific Ocean in 1992.

Georg Wüst

Georg Adolf Otto Wüst (June 15, 1890 - November 8, 1977) was a German oceanographer known for his work on the Atlantic Ocean.

Great Pacific garbage patch

Moore alerted the oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer, who subsequently dubbed the region the "Eastern Garbage Patch" (EGP).

Henry Bryant

Henry Bryant Bigelow (1879–1967), American oceanographer and marine biologist

Hugh Alexander Webster

Hugh Webster was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh FRSE on 2 May 1887 proposed by Sir John Murray, William Evans Hoyle, Robert Gray, Alexander Buchan.

Joseph Smagorinsky

Two of them were climate modeler Syukuro Manabe in 1959 and ocean modeler Kirk Bryan in 1961, who spearheaded the development of the first climate model in 1969, a general circulation model that was the first approach to take into account the interactions of oceans and atmosphere.

Lanier W. Phillips

Lanier W. Phillips (March 14, 1923 – March 11, 2012) was a survivor of the wreck of the USS Truxtun off the coast of Newfoundland, a retired oceanographer and a recipient of the U.S. Navy Memorial's Lone Sailor award for his distinguished post Navy civilian career.


Litomyšl is the birthplace of Bedřich Smetana (1824–1884), composer, August Jilek (1819–1898), physician and oceanographer, Arne Novák, critic and historian of literature, Hubert Gordon Schauer, literary critic, and Karel Píč (1920-1995), Esperanto writer, author of the innovative autobiographical novel "La Litomiŝla Tombejo" (The Litomyšl Cemetery).

Lockney, Texas

Maurice Ewing, a geophysicist and oceanographer, was born in Lockney in 1906.

Mimi Sverdrup Lunden

She was born in Sulen, Sogn og Fjordane, a daughter of theologist Edvard Sverdrup, and half sister of oceanographer Harald Ulrik Sverdrup.


Andrei Monin (1921–2007), Russian physicist, mathematician and oceanographer

Nansen bottle

It was designed in 1910 by the early 20th-century explorer and oceanographer Fridtjof Nansen and further developed by Shale Niskin.

Navy Precision Optical Interferometer

In 2012 NOFS, with support from USNO, CNMOC and the Chief of Naval Operations' Oceanographer staff, began developing funding and programming plans in order to install the array.

Pearn P. Niiler

Pearn P. Niiler (1937, Tartu, Estonia, died October 15, 2010, San Diego) - American oceanographer.

Puerto Pirámides

During a survey of the area in 1972, famed oceanographer Jacques Cousteau observed that calving southern right whale mothers in a Golfo Nuevo location near Puerto Pirámides had little interest in raising offspring there, despite preferring to give birth at the site.

Rennell and Bellona Province

Rennell Island may have been named for the oceanographer James Rennell, FRS (1742–1830).

Revelle Inlet

It was resighted by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (RARE), 1947–48, under Ronne, who named it for Roger Revelle, oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who gave technical assistance during the fitting out of the Ronne expedition.

RV Thomas G. Thompson

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Thomas G. Thompson, in honor of oceanographer Thomas G. Thompson (1888–1961).

Spilhaus Inlet

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) in 1988 after Athelstan Spilhaus (b. 1911), meteorologist and oceanographer; member of the U.S. National Committee for the IGY, 1957–58, and of the National Science Board, 1966-72.

The Beach Girls and the Monster

This is to the great displeasure of his father, the noted oceanographer Dr. Otto Lindsay (Jon Hall), who is married to the younger Vicky (Sue Casey), who is dissatisfied with Otto's relative lack of devotion to her.

Vagn Walfrid Ekman

Born in Stockholm to Fredrik Laurentz Ekman, himself an oceanographer, he became committed to oceanography while studying physics at the University of Uppsala and, in particular, on hearing Vilhelm Bjerknes lecture on fluid dynamics.

W. W. Behrens, Jr.

(September 14, 1922 – January 21, 1986) was an American naval officer and oceanographer who was instrumental in establishing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

On 1 September 1985, a joint French-American expedition led by Jean-Louis Michel of IFREMER and Robert Ballard of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution identified the location of the wreck of the RMS Titanic which sank off the coast of Newfoundland 15 April 1912.

Wyoming Outdoor Council

Previous recipients of the award include President Jimmy Carter, oceanographer Sylvia Earle and U.S. Sen. John Chafee.

see also