
2 unusual facts about olivine

246 Asporina

The spectrum of 246 Asporina reveals the strong presence of the mineral Olivine, a relatively rarity in the asteroid belt.

Shear wave splitting

Hess observed, from previous seismic velocity experiments with olivine crystals, that if the crystals had even a slight statistical orientation this would be extremely evident in the seismic velocities recorded using seismic refraction.


olivine | Olivine |

15 Eunomia

Calcium-rich pyroxenes and olivine, along with nickel-iron metal, have been detected on Eunomia's surface.


GSI said the sample is a stony meteorite dominated by silicates (olivine and others) with a little iron.

Lac Grand, Quebec

There are several minerals to be found in the area, the most prominent being mica, both blue and black in colour, but green, caramel and black serpentine as well as olivine can be found as well.

Olivine Creek

Olivine Creek is a creek located in the Similkameen region of British Columbia.


It was named after the Australian earth scientist Ted Ringwood (1930–1993) who studied polymorphic phase transitions in the common mantle minerals, olivine and pyroxene, at pressures equivalent to depths as great as about 600 km.

see also