
4 unusual facts about Calcium

15 Eunomia

Calcium-rich pyroxenes and olivine, along with nickel-iron metal, have been detected on Eunomia's surface.

Isotopes of calcium

Calcium (Ca) has a total of 24 isotopes, from 34Ca to 57Ca.

Isotopes of potassium

Alternately, and most of the time (89.28%), it decays to stable beta decay.


On July 19, 2000, scientists at Dubna (JINR) detected a single decay from an atom of livermorium following the irradiation of a Cm-248 target with Ca-48 ions.


Ablomin is a toxin present in the venom of the Japanese Mamushi snake, which blocks L-type voltage-gated calcium channels.


Acid intolerance of plants may be mitigated by lime addition and by calcium and nitrogen fertilizers.

Active transport

Many cells also possess a calcium ATPase, which can operate at lower intracellular concentrations of calcium and sets the normal or resting concentration of this important second messenger.

Anirvan Ghosh

His postdoctoral training was with Michael E. Greenberg at Harvard Medical School where he worked on regulation of differentiation by extracellular signals and calcium regulation of BDNF expression.

Bovine ephemeral fever

Calcium borogluconate and NSAIDs often help to alleviate clinical signs, but rest is absolutely imperative, for a mimimum of one week or death can still occur.


Intake of excessive Vitamin D can cause Vitamin D poisoning and excessive intake of calcium from the intestine, when accompanied by a deficiency of vitamin K (perhaps induced by an anticoagulant such as warfarin).


A calcimimetic is a drug that mimics the action of calcium on tissues, by allosteric activation of the calcium-sensing receptor that is expressed in various human organ tissues.

Calcium chloride

Kelp is dried with calcium chloride for use producing sodium carbonate.

By Le Chatelier's principle and the common ion effect, increasing the concentration of calcium in the water will reduce the dissolution of calcium compounds essential to the structure of concrete.

Calcium concentration microdomains

A Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) is also involved in regulating the amount of calcium in cells.

Calcium deficiency

Hypocalcaemia - the presence of low serum calcium levels in the blood

Calcium lactate

Cheese crystals usually consist of calcium lactate, especially those found on the outside, on younger cheese, and on Cheddar cheese.

Calcium metabolism

The parafollicular cells of the thyroid produce calcitonin in response to high calcium levels, but its significance is much smaller than that of PTH.

Calcium phosphide

During the 1920s and 1930s, Charles Kingsford Smith used separate buoyant canisters of calcium carbide and calcium phosphide as naval flares lasting up to ten minutes.

Centrosema pubescens Benth

Liming is a good practice to enhance soil pH and supply calcium to the plant that will increase the calcium content in the leaves.


Cinacalcet (INN) is a drug that acts as a calcimimetic (i.e. it mimics the action of calcium on tissues) by allosteric activation of the calcium-sensing receptor that is expressed in various human organ tissues.


Activating CMKLR1 by an agonist mobilizes intracellular calcium and causes the activation of several other signaling cascades like the ERK1 and NF-κB.


The oxygen binding effectiveness of hemocyanin in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus varies according to the concentration of two factors, calcium ion concentration, and hydrogen ion concentration.


Up to 20% of the dry weight of the endospore consists of calcium dipicolinate within the core, which is thought to stabilize the DNA.

Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy

A number of mutations causing this disease have been described in the M1S1 (TACSTD2) gene encoding Tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2, but not all patients have these mutations, suggesting involvement of other genes.

Gerald Crabtree

Teaming up with Stuart Schreiber from Harvard University, they began to study the calcium-calcineurin-NFAT pathway essential to function of the immune system and vertebrate development including neural and heart development.

Glycerate dehydrogenase

Primary hyperoxaluria is a condition that results in the over production of oxalate which combines with calcium to generate calcium oxalate, the main component of kidney stones.

Leopard gecko

Metabolic bone disease or MBD is a nutritional deficiency caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D3 in the diet.

Lesion-specific calcium score

The most commonly used screening method for coronary disease is CT based coronary artery calcium quantification based on Agatston method, which was developed by Arthur Agatston.


Mayenite (after Mayen, Germany), Ca12Al14O33, is a rare calcium aluminium oxide mineral of cubic symmetry.


The S100 calcium-binding protein mS100a7a15 is the murine ortholog of human S100A7 (Psoriasin) and human S100A15 (Koebnerisin).

Plamil Foods

Bottled soy milk was available commercially in China from the 1920s, and in 1931 Seventh-day Adventists in Madison, Tennessee, began production of soy milk fortified with calcium.

Preterm birth

Meta-analyses indicate that calcium-channel blockers and an oxytocin antagonist can delay delivery by 2–7 days, and β2-agonist drugs delay by 48 hours but carry more side effects.


Varieties containing calcium isomorphously replacing lead are lower in density (specific gravity 5.9 - 6.5) and usually lighter in color; they bear the names polysphaerite (because of the globular form), miesite from Mies in Bohemia, nussierite from Nuizière, Chénelette, near Beaujeu, Rhône, France, and cherokine from Cherokee County in Georgia.

Quantitative susceptibility mapping

The voxel intensity in QSM is linearly proportional to the underlying tissue apparent magnetic susceptibility, which is useful for chemical identification and quantification of specific biomarkers including iron, calcium, gadolinium, and super paramagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nano-particles.


Quinidine also blocks the slowly inactivating, tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na current, the slow inward calcium current (ICa), the rapid (IKr) and slow (IKs) components of the delayed potassium rectifier current, the inward potassium rectifier current (IKI), the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (IKATP) and Ito.

Salomón Hakim

At 22 years of age, Hakim started medical school at Universidad Nacional in Bogotá, but his passion for electricity continued and led him to perform research in electrical output during digestion, the effects of low voltage on womb contraction, and the calcium formation stimulation by electrolysis.


For the calcium pump, see SERCA


It seems that, in addition to the calcium-transporting properties, SERCA1 generates heat in some adipocytes.

Sperm motility

In some mammals, sperm motility is activated by increase in pH, calcium ion and cAMP, yet it is suppressed by low pH in the epididymis.

Squid giant synapse

The calcium hypothesis for synaptic transmission was directly demonstrated in this synapse by showing that at the equilibrium potential for calcium, no transmitter is released (Bernard Katz and R. Miledi 1967).


The experiment, sponsored by Dr. C.D. Arnaud of the University of California at San Francisco, studies the mechanisms of how calcium is maintained and used in bone metabolism in space.

Synovial fluid

Calcium pyrophosphate crystals are seen in pseudogout (also known as calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease or, CPPD).

Trailanga Swami

The monk was accustomed to breaking his long fasts with buckets of clabbered milk, so the skeptic brought him a bucket of calcium-lime mixture used for whitewashing walls instead.


Unlike ziconotide, TROX-1 is not so selective, and also blocks the intrathecally, by injection into the spinal fluid.


Scheelite, the mineral calcium tungstate, often contains a small amount of molybdate.

Ultramafic rock

Serpentine soil is a magnesium rich, calcium, potassium and phosphorus poor soil that develops on the regolith derived from ultramafic rocks.


A team of researchers at Lund University announced they had corroborated the 2004 findings in August 2013 by shooting calcium ions into a thin film of americium.


Artificial UVB/UVA light and vitamin supplements must be balanced with proper food and nutrition, UVB light is required for calcium absorption from the gut.

see also