
unusual facts about oral histories

Him Mark Lai

These three formed the History of Chinese Detained on Island Project (HOC-DOI) to translate the Chinese poetry found on the walls of the Angel Island Immigration Station and to collect oral histories of detainees on Angel Island, based on the specific restrictions of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act.

see also

Freddie Timms

Angered by Windshuttle and others' claims, Timms and several other artists including Paddy Bedford created paintings documenting the events recorded in their oral histories.

Kelly Church

Inspired by the Woodlands Style of painting created by Norval Morrisseau, Kelly paints characters from her tribes' oral histories, such as Nanabozho, or the wildlife native to Michigan, such as Sandhill Cranes.

Regional Oral History Office

ROHO has also conducted significant oral histories with well-known artists and authors, such as Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, and Carl Rakosi.

ResCarta Toolkit

Most recent versions of the ResCarta Toolkit also support the use of BroadCast WAV format with full text automatic audio transcription AAT based on CMU Sphinx for storage and access to oral histories and news casts.


Tubatulabal traditional narratives, myths, legends, tales, and oral histories preserved by the Tubatulabal people