
unusual facts about Oral tradition

Bengt af Klintberg

Klintberg was also co-host (with Christina Mattsson, head of the Nordic Museum) of "Folkminnen" ("Popular memories" or "Oral traditions") a long-running radio show, which encouraged listeners to write letters describing or asking questions about the origin or significance of local legends, games, customs or other folklore.

Guite people

Making Vangteh as his political center, began extending Guite's dynastic rule to the south (tuitaw) and westward crossing the Manipur river, and also was well documented in the oral traditions of other tribes also.

Joan Junceda

His most well-known work, however, would be the illustrations he did for "Bon Seny", a compilation of the oral lore regarding seny, an archetypal Catalan virtue, that was undertaken by writer Josep Abril i Virgili (1869-1918) encouraged by Josep Torras i Bages, bishop of Vic.

John Miles Foley

John Miles Foley (1947 – 2012) was a scholar of comparative oral tradition, particularly medieval and Old English literature, Homer and Serbian epic.

see also


The surname Andronikashvili, meaning "children descendants of Andronikos", is attested in sixteenth-century documents, but oral tradition has it that the family descends from Alexius Comnenus (c. 1170—1199), the illegitimate son of the Eastern Roman emperor Andronikos I Komnenos (ruled 1183-1185) by his mistress and relative Theodora Komnene, Queen Dowager of Jerusalem.

Battle of Kathio

The Battle of Kathio, or Battle of Izatys, was an oral tradition of the Chippewa reporting a battle fought in 1750 between Chippewas and the Sioux at the village of Kathio, or Izatys, on the Rum River next to Mille Lacs Lake.


Saint Brocard, first of the priors of the Carmelite Order according to oral tradition


According to oral tradition, the village was destroyed around 1745 by Chilcotin raiders from Nazko, on the Nazko River.

Christylez Bacon

Christylez Bacon (pronounced: chris-styles) is a Grammy Nominated Progressive Hip-Hop artist and multi-instrumentalist from Southeast, Washington, D.C. As a performer, Christylez multi-tasks between various instruments such as the West African djembe drum, acoustic guitar, and the human beat-box (oral percussion), all while continuing the oral tradition of storytelling through his lyrics.


The poet Gebre Hanna, renowned in Amharic oral tradition for (to quote Donald Levine) "his quick and biting wit," was a debtera.

Donnubán mac Cathail

Regardless of oral tradition, it has been argued that Donovan's mother was also Norse based on his father's other associations, by the 3rd Earl of Dunraven, who argued that his father Cathal's association through marriage with "Amlaf, king of the Danes of Munster" officially created the alliance between them.

Early Irish law

Early Irish law consisted of the accumulated decisions of the Brehons, or judges, guided entirely by an oral tradition.

Fabula and syuzhet

For example Leslie Marmon Silko (1981) says "White ethnologists reported that the oral tradition among Native American groups has died out" (p. 28).


In the Sarada legends of Kashmir (based on oral tradition) narrated by Dr Romesh Kumar, it is said that when Ravana was engaged in a war with Rama, goddess Parvati advised Rama to take her to Uttarakhand away from the war scene.

King of Dahomey

Oral tradition contends that Do-Aklin moved from Allada to the Abomey plateau, Dakodonu created the first settlement and founded the kingdom (but is often considered a "mere chief"), and Houegbadja who settled the kingdom, built the palace and created much of the structure is often considered the first king of Dahomey.

Lamane Jegan Joof

According to the oral tradition of the Serer people, Jegan Joof migrated from Lambaye following a dispute with his cousin, the king of Lambaye.


Oral tradition has it that the first settlers to arrive at Nsugbe were the descendants of Eri who emigrated from Ifite and Igbezulu Aguleri after the death of their father and settled at Okpuno Enugu, an area on the outskirt of modern Nsugbe.

Saint Bessus

In 1912, Robert Hertz, a French historian and anthropologist, collected at Cogne a different version of Saint Bessus' death, which was part of an oral tradition passed from generation.

Salt Mud Slide

Oral tradition regarding the landslide goes back four centuries, connecting it to the construction of a small church dedicated to Saint Urban on the slope of Mount Čaven above Lokavec and below the landslide.


According to the oral tradition, Shōgen-ji was initially built as a Tendai temple during Saicho's visit to Eastern Japan in 817.

Sunda Kingdom

Although the kingdom of Sunda left little archaeological remains, it remains part of culture of Sundanese people through the Pantun oral tradition, the chant of poetic verses.

Knowledge of the kingdom among Sundanese people has been kept alive through Sundanese Pantun oral tradition, the chant of poetic verses about the Golden Age of Sunda Pajajaran, and the legend of King Siliwangi ( Prabu Siliwangi), the most popular king of Sunda.


Oral tradition states that in the 11th century a castle owned by Hemma of Gurk stood on Gradišče Hill above the settlement.

Warsangali Sultanate

Though there are insufficient writings available on Akil Dhahar, according to oral tradition, he fought against the Abyssinians and uprooted Christian communities in Galgala, a town that used to have churches and temples.