
unusual facts about oxidized low-density lipoprotein


The best-understood receptors that are found concentrated in coated vesicles of mammalian cells are the LDL receptor (which removes LDL from circulating blood), the transferrin receptor (which brings ferric ions bound by transferrin into the cell) and certain hormone receptors (such as that for EGF).

Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase

Lecithin—cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT, also called phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase) is an enzyme that converts free cholesterol into cholesteryl ester (a more hydrophobic form of cholesterol), which is then sequestered into the core of a lipoprotein particle, eventually making the newly synthesized HDL spherical and forcing the reaction to become unidirectional since the particles are removed from the surface.

Low-density lipoprotein

To compensate for the decreased cholesterol availability, synthesis of hepatic LDL receptors is increased, resulting in an increased clearance of LDL particles from the blood.

Michael Stuart Brown

Moving to the University of Texas Health Science Center in Dallas, now the UT Southwestern Medical Center, Brown and colleague Joseph L. Goldstein researched cholesterol metabolism and discovered that human cells have low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors that extract cholesterol from the bloodstream.


Orticumab (INN) is a human monoclonal antibody that is used as an anti-inflammatory agent and binds to oxLDL.


They also find more favorable concentrations of chronic disease-related biomarkers such as HDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of long-term Shaklee vitamin users, as well as a lower risk of elevated blood pressure, compared to the control groups.

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