
unusual facts about parabolic antenna

Mass Effect 2: Overlord

Upon arriving at the facility, Shepard is informed that an experimental virtual intelligence has gone rogue and is ordered to destroy an antenna inside a transmission dish before the virtual intelligence uploads a program off-planet.

Boeing EC-135

Equipped with a steerable seven-foot antenna dish in its distinctive "Droop Snoot" or "Snoopy Nose", the EC-135N A/RIA became operational in January 1968, and was often known as the Jimmy Durante of the Air Force.

Radio Frequency Systems

RFS, Radio Frequency Systems, is a commercial company working in the field of wireless communication equipment (cable, Base station subsystem, diplexer and parabolic antenna).

Reber Radio Telescope

Reber Radio Telescope is a parabolic radio telescope built by astronomer Grote Reber in his back yard in Illinois in 1937, implementing an earlier proposal of Karl Jansky, the discoverer (1931) of radio waves emanating from the Milky Way.

see also

Heinz Kaminski

In 1967 Kaminski installed a 20 meter parabolic antenna in a radome, with which all Apollo missions were followed.

Technical research ship

Radio signals were transmitted toward the moon, where they would bounce back toward the Earth and be received by a large 64-foot parabolic antenna at a Naval Communications Station in Cheltenham, Maryland (near Washington, D.C.) or Wahiawa, Hawaii.