
unusual facts about parameter

Andrew D. Huxley

This emergence of an unconventional superconducting state by the application of an external tuning parameter such as magnetic field or pressure is hypothesised to be closely related to a 'Quantum critical point' (QCP) - a special phase transition that occurs at temperatures approaching zero kelvins.

Anytime algorithm

Make an algorithm with a parameter that influences running time.

Atlas Autocode

It was developed by Tony Brooker and Derrick Morris as a variant of the ALGOL programming language, removing some Algol features such as "passing parameters by name" (which in Algol 60 means passing the address of a short subroutine to recalculate the parameter each time it was mentioned).

Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula

The search procedure consists of choosing a range of parameter values for s, b, and m, evaluating the sums out to many digits, and then using an integer relation finding algorithm (typically Helaman Ferguson's PSLQ algorithm) to find a vector A that adds up those intermediate sums to a well-known constant or perhaps to zero.

BCS theory

In 1953, Brian Pippard, motivated by penetration experiments, proposed that this would modify the London equations via a new scale parameter called the coherence length.

C.F. Jeff Wu

He is known for his work on the convergence of the EM algorithm, resampling methods such as the bootstrap and jackknife, and industrial statistics, including design of experiments, and robust parameter design (Taguchi methods).

Colin de Verdière graph invariant

Colin de Verdière's invariant is a graph parameter \mu(G) for any graph G, introduced by Yves Colin de Verdière in 1990.

Diamond coconut model

This means that the finding of palm trees follows a Poisson process characterized by the parameter f.

Donald Andrews

Andrews, Donald W. K. & Ploberger, Werner, "Optimal Tests When a Nuisance Parameter Is Present Only Under the Alternative".

Elliptic curve cryptography

Since all the fastest known algorithms that allow one to solve the ECDLP (baby-step giant-step, Pollard's rho, etc.), need O(\sqrt{n}) steps, it follows that the size of the underlying field should be roughly twice the security parameter.

Equatorial Rossby wave

Equatorial Rossby waves, often called planetary waves, are very long, low frequency waves found near the equator and are derived using the equatorial Beta plane approximation, f = \beta y, where "β" is the variation of the Coriolis parameter with latitude, \beta = \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}.

Ergative case parameter

In linguistics, the ergative case parameter is a proposed parameter that classifies a language as ergative-absolutive or nominative-accusative accordingly to how nouns are declined as subjects or objects of a sentence.


Fractional sodium excretion (FENa), a medical parameter representing the fraction of sodium in urine relative to the fraction of sodium in circulation


The FibroTest score is calculated from the results of a six-parameter blood test, combining six serum markers with the age and gender of the patient: Alpha-2-macroglobulin, Haptoglobin, Apolipoprotein A1, Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), Total bilirubin, and Alanine transaminase (ALT).

Generalized estimating equation

The parameter estimates solve U(β)=0 and are typically obtained via the Newton-Raphson algorithm.

Golomb coding

The parameter M is a function of the corresponding Bernoulli process, which is parameterized by p=P(X=0) the probability of success in a given Bernoulli trial.

Indian Remote Sensing

Satellite would also carry Atmospheric Correction Sensor (ACS) for quantitative interpretation and geophysical parameter retrieval.

Interprocedural optimization

Other procedures, especially function-like procedures will have certain behaviours that in specific invocations may enable some work to be avoided: for instance, the Gamma function, if invoked with an integer parameter, could be converted to a calculation involving integer factorials.

Iwahori–Hecke algebra

In mathematics, the Iwahori–Hecke algebra, or Hecke algebra, named for Erich Hecke and Nagayoshi Iwahori, is a one-parameter deformation of the group algebra of a Coxeter group.

JY-14 Radar

It utilizes a frequency-agile mode with 31 different frequencies, has a large band of ECCM operating parameter frequencies, and uses linear FM compression.This system can simultaneously track up to 100 targets and can feed the data to missile-interceptor batteries.

Kell factor

The Kell factor, named after RCA engineer Raymond D. Kell, is a parameter used to limit the bandwidth of a sampled image signal to avoid the appearance of beat frequency patterns when displaying the image in a discrete display devices, usually taken to be 0.7.

Linear parametric varying control

In general, these controllers are often designed at various operating points using linearized models of the system dynamics and are scheduled as a function of a parameter or parameters for operation at intermediate conditions.

Log-Cauchy distribution

In Bayesian statistics, the log-Cauchy distribution can be used to approximate the improper Jeffreys-Haldane density, 1/k, which is sometimes suggested as the prior distribution for k where k is a positive parameter being estimated.

Macintosh Toolbox

Sometimes the programmer wants to clear the memory block to zeros, so either the allocation function should take a boolean parameter, or there should be two allocation functions.

Magnetic reactance

Magnetic reactance is the parameter of a passive magnetic circuit or its element, which is equal to the square root of the difference of squares of the full and effective magnetic resistance for a magnetic current, taken with the sign plus, if the magnetic current lags behind the magnetic tension in phase, and with the sign minus, if the magnetic current leads the magnetic tension in phase.

Masamichi Takesaki

In 1970, he was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Nice; his talk was about one parameter automorphism groups and states of operator algebras.


The vapour pressure of a metalorganic precursor is a crucial parameter that governs the concentrations of metalorganic precursors entering the reactor, and subsequently the rate of deposition in MOVPE process.

Mindray Medical International Limited

The Patient Monitoring & Life Support division develops and manufactures multi-parameter patient monitors, biotelemetry systems, Anesthesia Delivery Systems, Defibrillators, ECG machines, pulse oxymeters, hospital beds, and mounting systems for customers worldwide.

Mu problem

The supersymmetric Higgs mass parameter μ appears as the following term in the superpotential: μHuHd.


These are given by the Slepian sequences, after David Slepian (also known in literature as discrete prolate spheroidal sequences or DPSS for short) with parameter W and orders k = 0 to K − 1.

Offshore construction

Safety is another key construction parameter, the main hazard obviously being a fall into the sea from which speedy recovery in cold waters is essential.

Prediction interval

Alternatively, in Bayesian terms, a prediction interval can be described as a credible interval for the variable itself, rather than for a parameter of the distribution thereof.


Nuclear chain reaction, a basic parameter describing kinetics and dynamics of nuclear reactors


Robustification as it is defined here is sometimes referred to as parameter design or Robust Parameter Design (RPD) and is often associated with Taguchi methods.

Rodney Baxter

In 2005 he used the method of Michio Jimbo, Tetsuji Miwa and Nakayashiki to verify Albertini, McCoy, Perk and Tang's conjecture for the order parameter of the chiral Potts model.

Rubik's family cubes of all sizes

Parameter y can be related to n by a continuous Quadratic function|quadratic

Scale length

Scale height (or "scale length"), a specific parameter in physics denoting the distance over which a quantity decreases by a factor of e

Stochastic simulation

The Poisson Distribution depends on only one parameter, λ, and can be interpreted as an approximation to the binomial distribution when the parameter p is a small number.

Technos acxel

Draw dual Spectrum type shapes for Amplitudes, Frequencies (with separate: Integer / Decimal parts, and Envelope Variation), Phases - Corresponding to each parameter the base spectrum and the MIDI control spectrum.

Thermal wind

If we differentiate the geostrophic wind, \mathbf{v} g = \frac{1}{f} \mathbf{k} \times \nabla p \Phi (where \; f \; is the Coriolis parameter, \mathbf{k} is the vertical unit vector, and the subscript "p" on the gradient operator denotes gradient on a constant pressure surface)

Uncertainty Parameter U

In order to quantify the uncertainty in a perturbed orbital solution for a minor planet in a concise fashion, the Minor Planet Center (MPC) has introduced the U parameter.

Wigner–Weyl transform

(The oldest illustration of this may be the realization of Eratosthenes in the ancient world that a flat earth was deformable to a spherical earth, with deformation parameter 1/R.)

see also