
2 unusual facts about Reactivity


Reactive programming, a property of an execution model whereby changes are automatically propagated through a dataflow network

Nuclear chain reaction, a basic parameter describing kinetics and dynamics of nuclear reactors


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2-Norbornyl cation

Herbert C. Brown did not believe that it was necessary to invoke a new type of bonding in stable intermediates to explain the interesting reactivity of the 2-norbornyl cation.

First reports of its formation and reactivity published by Saul Winstein sparked controversy over the nature of its bonding, as he invoked a three-center two-electron bond to explain the stereoselectivity of the resulting product.

Carbon nanotube supported catalyst

The catalyst supports can improve specific properties such as mechanical strength, distribution, stability, catalytical reactivity and selectivity of catalysts.

Craig L. Hill

Professor Hill’s research encompasses fundamental structural and reactivity studies, Catalysis, functional nanomaterials (Nanotechnology), antiviral chemotherapy and solar energy conversion (Artificial Photosynthesis).

John Meurig Thomas

With the synthetic flair of Humphry Davy and the brilliance of his hero Faraday, we are led by the author to a feast of contemporary masterworks of chemical reactivity, prodded, by design, into the service of humanity.

Molecular knot

Lactoferrin has an unusual biochemical reactivity compared to its linear analogue.


A reactimeter is a diagnostic device used in nuclear power plants (and other nuclear applications) for measuring the reactivity (in inhours) of fissile materials as they approach criticality.


Jerome Kagan and his colleagues have concentrated empirical research on a temperamental category termed "reactivity."

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