
unusual facts about particle accelerator

Australian Atomic Energy Commission

Other significant facilities constructed by the Commission at Lucas Heights included a 3MeV Van de Graaff particle accelerator, installed in 1964 to provide proton beams and now upgraded to become ANTARES, a smaller 1.3MeV betatron, and radioisotope production and remote handling facilities associated with HIFAR reactor.

Hans-Arwed Weidenmüller

He examined nuclear reactions in the shell model under inclusion of continuum states and developed a microscopic statistical theory of nuclear reactions; this statistical theory (now known as transport theory) had applications to the interpretation of the particle accelerator experiments with heavy ions as well as on highly excited compound nuclei.

Matthew Sands

Another project of the Laboratory for Nuclear Science was a synchrotron particle accelerator, which was designed to accelerate electrons to an energy of 350 MeV.


A pelletron is a type of electrostatic particle accelerator similar to a Van de Graaff generator.


The facility is currently built around a 5MV Singletron, a particle accelerator similar to a Van de Graaff.

Walter Oelert

In 1995 under the leadership of Professor Walter Oelert, the international group of physicists in the CERN laboratory managed to show that they had obtained experimentally nine atoms of antihydrogen in a particle accelerator.

see also


Accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor, a nuclear reactor using a particle accelerator to generate a fission reaction in a sub-critical assembly of fissionable material

Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

Known as a Charged Particle Accelerator (CPA), the nuclear accelerator is a 250 keV Ion accelerator which can deliver all Gaseous ions such as +H, +N, +O, +He, +Ne, +Ar, +Kr, +Xe or molecular ions.