
13 unusual facts about Zeus

1686 in art

Pierre Granier is commissioned to provide a new right arm for the recently discovered Jupiter de Smyrne.

Athene Glacier

It was surveyed by FIDS in November 1960, and was named by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee after Athene, daughter of Zeus and goddess of the city of Athens in Greek mythology.

Battle of the Caecus River

:Shall raise a helper, the dear son of a bull reared by Zeus

Daemonia Nymphe

Their lyrics are drawn from Orphic and Homeric hymns and Sappho's poems for Zeus and Hekate.


Worshipers, dressed in ancient costume, recited ancient hymns calling on Zeus, "King of the Gods and the mover of things", to bring peace to the world.

On 22 January 2007 Ellinais held the first known ceremony of its kind at the 1,800 year old Temple of Olympian Zeus since the ancient Greek religion was outlawed by the Christian Roman empire in the late 4th century.

Jupiter and Thetis

Jupiter's pose is closely based on that of the famous chryselephantine sculpture, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Zeus being Jupiter's Greek equivalent), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

"She sank to the ground beside him, put her left arm round his knees, raised her right hand to touch his chin, and so made her petition to the Royal Son of Cronos", Iliad 1.500–502

Monunius I of Dardania

This is surely the meaning of the minting of a second series of silver coins bearing his name and traditional Macedonian symbols, the head of Heracles on the face and on the reverse, Olympian Zeus, sitting on the throne.

Peisander of Laranda

Among the extant fragments there is mention of Io, Cadmus and the Argonauts, but the most significant fragment is the testimony of Macrobius that states that Peisander's history of the world began from the marriage of Zeus and Hera.

Ras Kouroun

Like Mount Casius in Syria, it was historically associated with a shrine to Zeus, one of whose epithets was Kasios.

The Centaur

Wanting, and being unable, to have an end, because he was immortal, then with Prometheus offering himself to Zeus to become immortal for him, thus he died.

Umm el-Jimal

Another god present at the site is Zeus Epikoos, a mixture of Zeus and the local deity Epikoos.

Age of Empires: Mythologies

Each has three “major” Gods to choose from before each game, these being Zeus, Hades and Poseidon for the Greeks; Ra, Isis and Set for the Egyptians and Odin, Thor and Loki for the Norse.

Agia Paraskevi, Lesbos

Near the village at Klopedi, are the remains of the ancient Aeolian temple of Napaios Apollo, while Messa, also nearby, boasts the ruins of a big Ionian temple (late 4th–early 3rd century BC), possibly dedicated to three Greek deities: Zeus, Hera and Dionysos.


The Old Testament title God of Hosts was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas (Yahweh Sabaoth).


They were later freed to fashion lightning bolts for Zeus during his attempt to overthrow Cronus


When the miscreants were found out and executed, and a shrine erected to Zeus Ikmaios, the great god was propitiated and decreed that henceforth the Etesian wind should blow and cool all the Aegean for forty days from the baleful rising of Sirius.


Bellzlleb was formed in 1985 by junior high school mates, guitarist and composer Tetsu (Genkaku Allergy, Spooky Six Mouse, E.G.O., Love House, Zeus) drummer and arranger Yuji (Scarecrow, Love House), who played as local members of hard rock band Love House in Chiba-city.

Canaanite religion

Carried west by Phoenician sailors, Canaanite religious influences can be seen in Greek mythology, particularly in the tripartite division between the Olympians Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, mirroring the division between Baal, Yam and Mot, and in the story of the Labours of Hercules, mirroring the stories of the Tyrian Melkart, who was often equated with Heracles.

Cave of Echoes

Like the "clip movie" Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur, the fight with the hydra in Hercules and the Amazon Women would not be remembered by Iolaus because Hercules had Zeus turn back time.

Characters in the Novels of the Company

The collection Black Projects, White Knights begins with a preamble story imagining someone stealing a dossier from Dr. Zeus and reading it.


Zeus, Týr, Jupiter, Dyauṣ Pitār and the names of various other Indo-European gods are closely linked derivatives of the PIE *deiwos, specifically from Dyeus and its derivatives: dyāus in Sanskrit, deus in Latin and zeus in Ancient Greek.

Dion, Pieria

Dion is the site of a large temple dedicated to Zeus, as well as a series of temples to Demeter and to Isis (the Egyptian goddess was a favorite of Alexander).


Thebes in Egypt, ancient Waset, in Greco-Roman times called Diospolis Magna (Great Zeus-City)

Hiw in Egypt, ancient Hut-Sekhem, in Greco-Roman times called Diospolis Parva (Little Zeus-City)

Dunces and Dragons

The episode was written by Zeus Cervas, Erik Wiese and Tim Hill, with Alan Smart and Tom Yasumi serving as animation directors The episode drew 8.1 million viewers, and was met with positive reviews.


The priests celebrated the nuptials of Zeus with Hera, the goddess of love and marriage, below the imposing Corinthian-style columns in the city centre.

Erymanthian Boar

In Greek mythology, the Erymanthian Boar (Greek: ὁ Ἐρυμάνθιος κάπρος; Latin: aper Erymanthius) is remembered in connection with The Twelve Labours, in which Heracles, the (reconciled) enemy of Hera, visited in turn "all the other sites of the Goddess throughout the world, to conquer every conceivable 'monster' of nature and rededicate the primordial world to its new master, his Olympian father," Zeus.

Flood myth

In Plato's Timaeus, Timaeus says that because the Bronze race of Humans had been making wars constantly Zeus got angered and decided to punish humanity by a flood.

Glory of Heracles

The Taphus, an invention designed by Daedalus, is a recurring plot device which was punished by Zeus for extracting Ether from the world.

Hercules in New York

Hercules, at Olympus, berates his father Zeus for not allowing him to leave the gods' abode to adventure on earth.

Hollywood Babble-On

Garman's voicing of the main characters included the "voices" of Adam West as Batman, Ed Wynn as the Joker (initially, this was Garman's impression of Cesar Romero's Joker, but Smith suggested using Wynn's voice instead), Sean Connery as Commissioner Gordon, and Al Pacino as Maxie Zeus.

I, Alex Cross

Further investigation reveals that Caroline's escorting activities took her to a secretive club in Culpeper, Virginia, called Blacksmith Farms where she may have met an ultrasecretive character named Zeus who wears a mask at all times.


In another scholium, it is said that the Argonautica's account of Ganymede's abduction by an amorous Zeus (Argonautica 3.114–17) was also modelled on a version by Ibycus (in Homer's earlier account, Zeus abducted the youth to be his wine-pourer: Iliad 20.234), and that Ibycus, moreover, described the abduction of Tithonus by Dawn (Eos).

Jason Grace

After conducting lightning through his weapon, he realizes that he is the son of Jupiter, the Roman form of Zeus, king of the gods.


They also reluctantly team up with Sergeant Wendy Welles and her Doberman Pinscher, Zeus, who, according to Welles, was trained in the Netherlands and listen to commands in Dutch (although in reality the commands are in German).


According to a still more ancient tradition Zeus, perceiving that Ganymede longed for his playmates upon Mount Ida, gave him Eros for a companion and golden dibs with which to play, and even condescended sometimes to join in the game (Apollonius).

Küçükkuyu, Ayvacık

According to legend, Zeus watched the battle of Troy from an altar near Küçükkuyu and Aphrodite discovered a source of healing water in Küçükkuyu.

Libyan Sibyl

The Libyan Sibyl, named Phemonoe, was the prophetic priestess presiding over the Zeus Ammon Oracle (Zeus represented with the horns of Ammon) at Siwa Oasis in the Libyan Desert.


Hellenistic religious influence is attested through archeological findings in Rovine and Tamnič where Heracles was worshipped: a relief of Zeus, Herakles and Dionysos found in Bukovo.

Per Manum

Scully investigates a Zeus Genetics clinic, overhearing a pregnant woman, Mary Hendershot (Saxon Trainor), telling her doctor that she does not want to be under his care any more.

Playing Gods

A sticker sheet is provided with the game to allow for other gods and religions, including Scientology (represented by Tom Cruise with a UFO over his head), Zeus, Jehovah’s Witnesses, beer, the Cult of Oprah, the Almighty Dollar, war, Islam, J.R. “Bob” Dobbs (of the Church of the Subgenius), the Flying Spaghetti Monster, death, Satan, television, the Goddess, atheism, the Magic 8 Ball, McWorld (American consumerism), and others.

Players may choose to be any god from Jesus to Buddha, from Cthulhu to Zeus, from the Cult of Oprah to the Almighty Dollar.

Simon Brattel

When at Crystal Computing he was part of the team that produced the landmark ZX Spectrum game Halls of the Things and the Z80 assembler Zeus.

Source Wall

One of the few known persons to have entered the Source was an amalgam of Zeus, Odin, Ares, Jove, and Highfather.

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens

On 21 January 2007, a group of Hellenic neopagans held a ceremony honoring Zeus on the grounds of the temple.

The Clash of Triton

The episode was written by Casey Alexander, Zeus Cervas, Aaron Springer, Steven Banks, and Paul Tibbitt, and was directed by Andrew Overtoom and Alan Smart.

The Cults of the Greek States

The first volume has twelve chapters focussing on the beginnings of cult in Greece and the cults of Cronos, Zeus, Hera and Athena.

The Flies

When debating Zeus, Orestes also talks about being "beyond" the moral yoke others allow to be placed on them - an idea explicitly discussed in Beyond Good and Evil, and implicitly described in other works by Nietzsche.

The Io Passion

The man and the woman met at Lerna in Greece, the venue of one of the Mysteries of the ancient world, and the place where Zeus seduced the priestess Io and turned her into a heifer to hide her from his jealous wife, Hera.

Zeus Technology

In 2004 Zeus Technology released Zeus Traffic Manager (originally 'Zeus Extensible Traffic Manager', ZXTM), based on Zeus' earlier Zeus Load Balancer product, a software load balancer for TCP and UDP based network protocols, and based on a previous Zeus Load Balancer product.

Zeus' original product, first released in 1995, was Zeus Web Server which became known as one of the highest-performance web servers for Unix and Unix-like platforms.

Zeus Technology was founded in 1995 by Damian Reeves and Adam Twiss while they were undergraduates at Churchill College, University of Cambridge.