pigeon | London Passenger Transport Board | West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive | Passenger | The Pigeon Detectives | Pigeon John | The Glass Passenger | Pink Pigeon | Pigeon Forge, Tennessee | Tooth-billed Pigeon | Stephen Hopkins (Mayflower passenger) | Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon | passenger | New Zealand Pigeon | Advanced Passenger Train | William Brewster (Mayflower passenger) | Topknot Pigeon | Pigeon Post | Pigeon pea | Passenger Records | Passenger information system | Passenger (2009 film) | Lord Howe Pigeon | List of named passenger trains of Sri Lanka | homing pigeon | Great Lakes passenger steamers | Comoros Olive Pigeon | Atlantic (passenger train) | A Play for a Passenger | World's busiest passenger air routes |
The loss of the blue walleye is, arguably, an extinction event on par with the loss of the passenger pigeon and the near-extirpation of the American bison.
Columbicola extinctus, also known as the Passenger Pigeon chewing louse, is an extant species of phtilopterid louse that was once believed to have been extinct with its only known host, the Passenger Pigeon, prior to its rediscovery living on Band-tailed Pigeons.
Of the 28 forest bird species with habitat exclusively in that forest, Pimm claims four become extinct either wholly or mostly because of habitat loss, the passenger pigeon, Carolina parakeet, ivory-billed woodpecker, and Bachman's Warbler.
In 1987, parts of the zoo were designated as a National Historic Landmark, the Cincinnati Zoo Historic Structures, due to their significant architecture featured in the Elephant House, the Reptile House, and the Passenger Pigeon Memorial.