
unusual facts about pharmaceutical companies


Ethisterone was also marketed in the U.S. from the 1950s into the 1960s under a variety of trade names by other pharmaceutical companies that had been members of the pre-World War II European hormone cartel (Ciba, Organon, Roussel).

Global Medical Aid

GMA works in close collaboration with health ministries, hospitals, diplomats, embassies and pharmaceutical companies such as Actavis.

see also


Other compounds producing the ampakine activity profile such as IDRA-21 and Eli Lilly's LY-503,430 along with Unifiram and Sunifiram have been developed by other pharmaceutical companies, but these are only used in animal research at present, and Cortex is the only company currently developing selective ampakine drugs for human use, in partnership with the larger pharmaceutical company Schering-Plough.

Barbara Seaman

U.S. Representative Carolyn Maloney, in the Congressional Record (October 17, 2005), stated that "In the 1980s Barbara was essentially blacklisted from magazines by pharmaceutical companies who would not advertise in publications that carried her stories. Her relentless insistence on questioning the safety and effectiveness of their products earned her their condemnation and our praise. Barbara took advantage of this forced lull by turning to biography."

Bovine somatotropin

Four large pharmaceutical companies, Monsanto, American Cyanamid, Eli Lilly, and Upjohn, developed commercial rBST products and submitted them to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for approval.

Cirencester House

The tonne of clippings produced by its annual trimming are sold to pharmaceutical companies who use extracts as a key ingredient of Docetaxel, a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast, ovarian and lung cancer.

Economy of Ahmedabad

Two of the biggest pharmaceutical companies of India - Zydus Cadila and Torrent Pharmaceuticals are located in the city.

Gray Panthers

The organization filed several suits targeting pharmaceutical companies whom they alleged to have blocked competition over generic drug production and a class action law suit against Bristol-Myers Squibb, a pharmaceutical manufacturer, for alleged damages the company inflicted by delaying competition for BuSpar, a brand name anti-anxiety drug.


There are some "natural" supplements for those wary of the major pharmaceutical companies (which tend to be referenced rather derivisely as "BigPharma"; including Alpha hydroxy acids (naturally available in small amounts in citrus fruits), Azelaic acid, and zinc.

Jonathan Leakey

Leakey now operates the Nakuru-based company Jonathan Leakey Ltd., which supplies East African snake venoms and medicinal plants for antivenom manufacturers, medical research facilities, and pharmaceutical companies.

Joseph Biederman

Chuck Grassley led a 2008 Congressional Investigation which found that well-known university psychiatrists, who had promoted psychoactive drugs, had violated federal and university regulations by secretly receiving large sums of money from the pharmaceutical companies which made the drugs.

Marc de Garidel

He is President and spokesperson for G5 santé, a lobbying group for French pharmaceutical companies, including BioMérieux, Guerbet, Ipsen, the Laboratoire français du Fractionnement et des Biotechnologies, Laboratoires Pierre Fabre, Sanofi, Stallergenes and Laboratoires Théa.

Michelle Dipp

Founded in 2004 by Christoph Westphal and David Sinclair, Sirtris was one of the first pharmaceutical companies focused on the sirtuin platform.

Moncef El Materi

He established Al Adwya, one of Tunisia’s biggest private pharmaceutical companies, with his brother Tahar El Materi in the 1970s.

Oren Harris

He was the lead House sponsor of the Kefauver Harris Amendment, an amendatory act to the federal Pure Food and Drug Act, the law that mandates that pharmaceutical companies disclose the side effects of medications approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale in the United States.

Publication bias

In September 2004, editors of several prominent medical journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Annals of Internal Medicine, and JAMA) announced that they would no longer publish results of drug research sponsored by pharmaceutical companies unless that research was registered in a public database from the start.

Short stature

Pharmaceutical companies Genentech and Eli Lilly, makers of human growth hormone, have worked to medicalize short stature by convincing the public that short stature is a disease rather than a natural variation in human height.

Silence Therapeutics

Silence Therapeutics has multiple partnerships with other pharmaceutical companies, such as AstraZeneca, Pfizer/Quark Pharma and Dainippon Sumitomo.

Simulations Plus

As of February 15, 2013, all of the top 20 pharmaceutical companies, along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) license the company's software.

Stanley Stewart Davis

He is also the co-founder of three pharmaceutical companies; CDD (Co-ordinated Drug Development) (since acquired by Vectura Group); Danbiosyst (UK) Ltd (sold to West Pharmaceutical Services and then to Archimedes) and Pharmaceutical Profiles Ltd.

State Trading Organization

People's Choce Pharmacy - Provides pharmaceutical drugs and other medical items to public consumers and corporate clients such as Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital, local pharmaceutical companies and the regional hospitals.

Tahar El Materi

He established Al Adwya, one of Tunisia’s biggest private pharmaceutical companies, with his brother Moncef El Materi in the 1970s.

TAP Pharmaceutical Products

TAP Pharmaceutical Products was formed in 1977 as a joint venture between the two global pharmaceutical companies, Abbott Laboratories and Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. The company markets Prevacid (lansoprazole) and Lupron Depot (leuprolide acetate for depot suspension), both leaders in their classes.

Torrent Group

Torrent Pharmaceuticals – One of the largest pharmaceutical companies of India.

Vernalis plc

The company has a development pipeline focused on CNS disease and oncology, and collaborates with pharmaceutical companies including Novartis, Servier, ChemGenex and Serono.

Yang Cho-cheng

Yang also designed the manufacturing facilities for RCA, Philips, Timex, Texas Instruments in Taiwan; he also designed the manufacturing facilities for pharmaceutical companies such as Eli Lilly and Company and Roche.