
unusual facts about diplomats

Canada in the American Civil War

The crisis ended when President Abraham Lincoln released the diplomats; he did not issue an apology.

Chateaubriand steak

Chateaubriand steak, or just chateaubriand, is a recipe of a particular thick cut from the tenderloin (fillet), which, according to Larousse Gastronomique, was created by personal chef, Montmireil, for François-René de Chateaubriand and Sir Russell Retallick, the authors and diplomats who served Napoleon as an ambassador and Louis XVIII as Secretary of State for two years.

Common Quail

In 1537 Queen Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, pregnant with the future King Edward VI, developed an insatiable craving for quail, and courtiers and diplomats abroad were ordered to find sufficient supplies for the Queen.

Dick Miles

Miles accompanied the U.S. national team at the world championships held in Nagoya, Japan in 1971 when the team was invited to visit the People's Republic of China in what became known as Ping Pong Diplomacy, becoming what Time magazine described as being part of "most improbable — and most naïve — group of diplomats".

Diego C. Asencio

In 1980 Asencio was - along with a dozen other diplomats - held hostage for 61 days when members of the guerrilla group 19th of April Movement (M-19), led by Rosemberg Pabón, seized the Dominican Republic's embassy in Bogotá.

Elmer Bendiner

Among his better-known works are The Rise and Fall of Paradise (a history of al-Andalus), A Time for Angels: A Tragicomic History of the League of Nations, The Bowery Man, The Virgin Diplomats, Biographical Dictionary of Medicine (cowritten with his daughter Jessica), and The Fall of Fortresses.

Enderta Province

According to Paul Henze, Ras Wolde Selassie was the first ruler of this period to have close contact with Europeans, hosting three British diplomats, George Annesley, Viscount Valentia, his secretary Henry Salt, and Pearce.

Evgeny P. Bazhanov

He was Academic advisor of 50 PhD dissertations defended by President of South Korea Kim Dae-jung, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan Alikbek Jekshenkulov, Ambassadors to Russia of Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Palestine and many prominent Russian politicians, educators and diplomats.

Foreign Policy and United Nations Association of Austria

UNA-Austria organizes weekly lectures at the "UNA-Austria Wednesday Club", where diplomats, politicians and scientists are invited from all over the world to the premises of UNA-Austria at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.

Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg

Schorske, Carl "Two German Ambassadors: Dirksen and Schulenburg" pages 477-511 from The Diplomats 1919-1939 edited by Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1953.


The Gbedu drum is said to have been brought to the Lagos area in the seventeenth century by Edo diplomats, symbolizing the hegemony of the Benin Empire.

Gondomar, Pontevedra

Home of Don Diego Sarmiento de Acuña, conde de Gondomar, one of the most renowned diplomats of Spanish imperial times, the main instigator of the "Spanish Match" that would have joined Charles I of England and the Infanta Maria Anna in marriage.

Guy Burgess

Harold Acton, in More Memoirs of an Aesthete, recalls meeting him at the beginning of World War II: "The most vindictive of these guys was Guy Burgess, later to win notoriety as one of the "Missing Diplomats", though nobody could have been less diplomatic".

György Dungyersky

After retiring from tennis, Dungyersky became a tennis instructor in Geneva, and acted as sparring partner to many famous diplomats including Arthur Balfour.

Henricus Reneri

What survives are an inaugural address, several disputations which were presided by him, and a correspondence of more than sixty letters with leading scholars, philosophers, theologians, diplomats and poets from the Republic and abroad, such as André Rivet, Constantijn Huygens, Pierre Gassendi and Pieter Corneliszoon Hooft.

Iran–United Kingdom relations

On 19 June 2009, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei described the British Government as the "most evil" of those in the Western nations, accusing the British government of sending spies into Iran to stir emotions at the time of the elections, although it has been suggested by British diplomats that the statement was using the UK as a "proxy" for the United States, in order to prevent damaging US–Iranian relations.

Jack Trout

In the fall of 2002, Trout began working with the United States Department of State in order to "train new diplomats in the art of projecting a positive image of America overseas" as a part of the Brand America campaign, which sought to improve public opinion about the upcoming Iraq War.

Japanese passport

Diplomatic passport: Issued to members of the Imperial Family, diplomats and their family members and government high-level officials.

Kajaki Dam

The Taliban briefly stopped the flow of water to Iran when the latter threatened to attack in retaliation for the killing of Iranians who were claimed to be diplomats in Mazari Sharif when the Taliban retook the city from the Northern Alliance the second time.

Khaibalikend Massacre

There was also opposition voiced by the Armenian government, as well as a number of American diplomats and relief officials working in the region, who cited Sultanov’s past collaboration with the Ottoman armies that had occupied the area in 1918.

Lisbon Regicide

The Minister of the Navy and Overseas Territories, Henrique de Barros Gomes, conspired with German diplomats to expand colonial territory and create "a new Brazil in Africa".

Louis P. Lochner

Lochner was interned for nearly five months at Bad Nauheim near Frankfurt am Main, before being released in May 1942 as part of a prisoner exchange for interned German diplomats and correspondents.

Margaret Erskine

By July 1536, the Imperial ambassador in London, Eustace Chapuys, and Spanish diplomats at the Vatican believed the marriage had already taken place.

Marin Drinov

Taking an active part in the organization of the newly liberated Bulgarian state, Marin Drinov is known as one of the authors of the Tarnovo Constitution, the person to have proposed Sofia instead of Tarnovo (favoured by Austrian diplomats) for the new Bulgarian capital, and the person to have introduced the standardized 32-letter edition of Cyrillic that was used in Bulgaria until the orthographic reform of 1945.

Max Finkelstein

A photo of Finkelstein appeared on the front page of the Nazi newspaper Der Angriff, which decried the choice of Finkelstein and the other Jewish officers as a "provocation" and wondered how Americans would react if their diplomats in Germany were placed under the protection of black policemen.

Merina Kingdom

Meanwhile in Europe, diplomats partitioning the African continent worked out an agreement whereby Britain, in order to obtain the Sultanate of Zanzibar, ceded its rights over Heligoland to the German Empire and renounced all claims to Madagascar in favour of France.


Many of the first tenants were diplomats, among them Simcha Dinitz.

Niels Christian Ditleff

He also played an instrumental role in evacuating foreign diplomats from Warsaw during the German invasion and to rescue Jews in coordination with Nansenhjelpen.

Norman Armour

On July 25, the Russian authorities ordered the diplomats out of Petrograd and a new legation was set up in Vologda.


In the mid-1940s, classical guitarist Andrés Segovia mentioned the shortage of good guitar strings in the United States, particularly his favorite Pirastro catgut strings, to a number of foreign diplomats at a party, including General Lindeman of the British Embassy.

Operation Solomon

Also involved in the Israeli and Ethiopian governments’ attempts to facilitate the operation was a group of American diplomats led by Senator Rudy Boschwitz, including Irvin Hicks, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Robert Frasure, the Director of the African Affairs at the White House National Security Council; and Robert Houdek the Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Addis Ababa.

Operation Umeed-e-Nuh

The Pakistani diplomats were renowned human rights activist and former Federal Minister for Human Rights Ansar Burney and Governor of Sindh Dr Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan.

Pilgrims Society

Over the years it has boasted an elite membership of politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and writers who have included Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Caspar Weinberger, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Luce, Lord Carrington, Alexander Haig, Paul Volcker, Tom Kean and Walter Cronkite to mention a very few.

Pope Benedict XVI and Islam

"I think it is best to leave that to the diplomats, because we don't enter politics. But we do everything for peace. Our goal is simply peace, and we will do everything to help attain peace," Benedict told reporters as he returned from an hour-long hike in the Italian Alps.

Portugal and the Iran–Iraq War

Security arrangements for an Iran Air jumbo jet were such that Iraqi diplomats in Lisbon learned of them.

Robert G. Emmens

The five, with the help of British diplomats in Mashhad, made their way to India and got a flight to the United States.

Robert Lansing

These agents were initially used to observe the activities of the Central Powers in America, and later to watch over interned German diplomats.

Robert Rhodes James

His uncle on his father's side was the ghost-story writer M. R. James and the family had links to clergy, lawyers, diplomats, soldiers and sailors who had served across the British Empire.

Romanian Day Festival

Many celebrities, diplomats and dignitaries, politicians, and Romanian and American businessmen took part in the event: sports celebrities Ilie Năstase and Dumitru Haradau, Romanian diplomats and politicians Sorin Ducaru, Ion Gorita, Mircea Geoana, former Ambassador of Romania to Washington, DC, and former Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Linda Grass, representative of New York Mayor Giuliani, and others.

Stojan Novaković

He was also one of the most successful and skilled Serbian diplomats, holding the post of envoy to Constantinople, Vienna and Saint Petersburg.

Taymuraz Mamsurov

In July 2008, he accused the Western diplomats of plotting a “Jesuitical plan” of uniting South Ossetia and North Ossetia into a single entity in order to then push it into NATO through Georgia.

The Dingo Principle

On 20 April 1987, the program performed a mock interview with the Ayatollah Khomeini, resulting in two Australian diplomats being expelled from Tehran and threats of trade sanctions from Iran.

The War for Muslim Minds

In researching this book, Kepel traveled in both the Middle East and the West, interviewing leaders across the Islamic world, as well as Western analysts and European diplomats.

Turkish Straits crisis

In a secret telegram sent by US Under Secretary of State Dean Acheson to diplomats in Paris, he explained the American position on the matter.

Uki Goñi

In Argentina, President Néstor Kirchner ordered the repeal of a secret directive of 1938 prohibiting Argentine diplomats from granting visas to Jews fleeing from the Holocaust in Europe.

United States Mission to the United Nations

Many prominent U.S. politicians and diplomats have held the post, including Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Adlai Stevenson, George H. W. Bush, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Holbrooke, Dr. Madeleine Albright, Bill Richardson, and John Danforth.

Valentine Leeper

Her half-brothers, Reginald Leeper and Allen Leeper, both became prominent British diplomats.

Yorkton Film Festival

In the era of the Red Scare, the arrival of two Soviet diplomats in small town Saskatchewan caused a bit of a stir.

see also