
unusual facts about photo essay

High-dynamic-range imaging

An excellent example is the photograph Schweitzer at the Lamp by W. Eugene Smith, from his 1954 photo essay A Man of Mercy on Dr. Albert Schweitzer and his humanitarian work in French Equatorial Africa.

see also

Bert Hardy

Hardy was self-taught and used a Leica —unconventional gear for press photographers of the era— but went on to become the Posts Chief Photographer, after he earned its first photographer credit for his 1 February 1941 photo-essay about Blitz-stressed fire-fighters.

Craig Baldwin

Though he finished his first 16mm film, Wild Gunman, in 1978, he had explored his (rather Situationist) desires to eradicate the borderlines between fine and popular art, public and private imagery, the political and the purely aesthetic in several film and photo-essay projects, notably Flick Skin (1977), a Super-8 film that Baldwin made while living in the projectionist booth at a porn theater.

Harlem Hospital Center

Photo essay on murals with medical themes in hospitals by Eric Mose and Ruth Egri (Lincoln Hospital, NYC), and Rudolph Crimi (Harlem Hospital).

Nate Saint

Life magazine published a 10-page photo essay on the story, which was also covered in Reader's Digest and many other publications.

Operation Auca

Life magazine covered the deaths of the men with a photo essay, including photographs by Cornell Capa and some taken by the five men before their deaths.