In turn, the man then built a strong anger toward her, saying in effect "I'm innocent ...; it was just a plea bargain"; and that she "was no better than the police" and "You're crazy if you think you're going to find anyone here to challenge the police who is not already 'in the system'?"; he ended by stalking out, tearing up his notes as he went.
Working on "Driving While Black" DWB racial profiling in Oakland with the ACLU, a young African-American man came in with a well-documented case of most of a year of repeated stops by police with dates and names.
From Talented Tenth and Preaching With Sacred Fire, Sho Baraka delved into books such as The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, along with various works by authors such as Phyllis Wheatley, Frederick Douglass, August Wilson, and C. S. Lewis.
Alexander the Great | Alexander Pope | Alexander | Alexander Graham Bell | Alexander Calder | Michelle Obama | Alexander Pushkin | Alexander von Humboldt | Alexander I of Russia | Alexander II of Russia | Alexander Hamilton | Alexander McQueen | Alexander II | Pope Alexander III | Jason Alexander | Alexander I | Alexander Korda | Sarah Michelle Gellar | Michelle Shocked | Alexander McCall Smith | Pope Alexander VI | Michelle Yeoh | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Alexander III of Russia | Michelle Tea | Alexander Alekhine | Michelle Pfeiffer | Alexander Mackenzie | Alexander Haig | Alexander Frey |
Teaching for Change has helped bring noted authors to host readings, discussions and book signings, including Alice Walker, Howard Zinn, Cornel West, Ronald Takaki, Michelle Alexander, Melissa Harris-Perry, John Sayles, Nikki Giovanni, Robert Parris Moses, Juan Gonzalez, Ralph Nader, Taylor Branch, Dave Zirin, Naomi Klein, Tariq Ali, Clarence Lusane, Marita Golden and Junot Diaz.