
unusual facts about pontifex


In Samuel Butler's novel The Way of All Flesh, Ernest Pontifex's aunt Alethea encourages him to learn carpentry "as a means of kissing the soil should his Hercules ever throw him;" that is, to learn a trade to live off of in case he chooses not to pursue the object of his studies, theology.

College of Pontiffs

When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, Pope Leo I began using the title Pontifex Maximus around 440 to emphasize the authority of the Pope.

Pont Notre-Dame

This quote translates as "Joconde (Giacondo) put up this twin bridge here for you, Sequana; you are able to speak of this priest with authority" or "in this you can swear that he was the bridge-builder", punning on two possible meanings of pontifex.


The startup found itself in the spotlight when the Vatican announced Pope Benedict XVI’s Twitter handle as @pontifex.

Quintus Mucius Scaevola Pontifex

Quintus Mucius Scaevola Pontifex (died 82 BC), the son of Publius Mucius Scaevola (consul in 133 BC and also Pontifex Maximus) was a politician of the Roman Republic and an important early authority on Roman law.


The East Room contained a sanctuary of Ops Consiva, so sacred that only the pontifex maximus and the Vestal Virgins were allowed to enter it.

see also