
unusual facts about power behind the throne

Donald Regan

Michael Moore gives brief focus to this incident in his documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story, who then proceeds to insinuate that Reagan was merely chosen a frontman (or "sheriff") for the real power behind the throne, among them Regan, who at the time was the Chairman of Merrill Lynch and whom Reagan appointed as Treasury Secretary and then Chief of Staff.

The Obama Deception: The Mask Comes Off

The film presents the conspiracy theory that American presidents since the 1960s have served as "front men" for entities such as the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Wall Street banks, the Federal Reserve, the Military-industrial complex, the Mossad, and others, arguing that multinational corporations and powerful elite families, such as the Rothschild family and Rockefeller family hold the real "power behind the throne."

see also

Post-Suharto era

Considered the unseen power behind the throne, General Wiranto of the Chief of Staff over the military that was central to the New Order, is believed to have been behind the decision of Suharto to step down.