Prestige Records | Prestige oil spill | Minjiang dialect | Kansai dialect | Samogitian dialect | Doric dialect | Cypriot dialect | Prestige | Norfolk dialect | Geordie dialect words | Doric dialect (Scotland) | prestige | Lancashire dialect and accent | Balearic dialect | balearic dialect | Yooper dialect | ''Wenn der Rapp bleht in Piddaschwald'', a poem in the dialect of Peterswald-Löffelscheid | Upper Navarrese dialect | Upper Carniolan dialect | Styrian dialect group | Romanesco dialect | prestige (sociolinguistics) | ''Prestige'' oil spill | Prestige Novices' Hurdle | Pothohari dialect | Pomeranian (German dialect group) | Pemako Tshangla dialect | Old Guangde dialect | Ohrid dialect | Northern Khmer dialect |
In the present-day, "Pahlavi" is frequently identified with the prestige dialect of south-west Iran, formerly and properly called Pārsi, after Pars (Persia proper).
Several prestige dialects have developed around the major urban centers of Skopje, Bitola, Kumanovo and Prilep.
Several prestige dialects have developed around the major urban centers of Stockholm, Helsinki, Gothenburg and Malmö-Lund.