
unusual facts about proactive


Ittehad Chemicals

This transition brought with it a new set of challenges, a bold vision and a transformational proactive behavior that set a new era of economic growth and stability in motion.

Layne Redman

In 2002 Redman moved permanently to Dubai where he worked as an executive assistant for sports marketing agency, Proactive Sports Management, the same agency that looked after footballer Wayne Rooney where he was in training to be a sports agent.

Natural Resources Stewardship Project

The Natural Resources Stewardship Project is a Canadian non-profit organization that presents itself as undertaking "a proactive grassroots campaign to counter the Kyoto Protocol and other greenhouse gas reduction schemes while promoting sensible climate change policy." The group was founded in October 2005.

Orange County LAFCO

At the 2013 CALAFCO Annual Conference in Squaw Creek, OC LAFCO was awarded the “Government Leadership” award for its proactive effort on the Community Islands Task Force project.

Proactive law

Thus, the proactive law approach challenges the traditional backwards and failure oriented approach to law by acting in anticipation of legal disputes, taking control of potential problems, providing solutions, and self-initiation, instead of reacting to failures and shortcomings.

SHIWA project

SHIWA developed workflow interoperability solutions for several workflow systems, namely ASKALON Fahringer, et al. 2005, MOTEUR Glatard, et al. 2008, Pegasus Deelman 2005, PGRADE Kacsuk, et al. 2003, Galaxy, GWES, Kepler, LONI Pipeline, Taverna, ProActive and Triana Majithia et al. 2004.

Taito Waqavakatoga

He is better known for his proactive role in organising the harvest of sugar cane in the Labasa and Seaqaqa districts, during a harvest boycott by farmers protesting the 1987 1987 military takeover by Sitiveni Rabuka.


John Dewey believed that the personification of knowledge in everyday practices was essential and the proactive question about the relationship between theory and practice connects to the idea of social responsibility.


In May 2010, President Obama’s National Security Strategy stated a commitment to proactive engagement in preventing mass atrocities and genocide.

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